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Joint clearing-house mechanism decisions

In 2011, the Conferences of the Parties of the Stockholm, Rotterdam and Basel conventions requested the secretariat to integrate all information exchange activities of the three conventions in a single programme and to establish a joint clearing-house mechanism serving all three conventions.

At their meetings in 2015, the Conferences of the Parties of the three Conventions invited Parties and others to provide comments on the draft joint clearing-house mechanism strategy which is available in the documents section and requested the Secretariat to present a revised draft strategy at their meeting in 2017. They acknowledged the role that the joint clearing-house mechanism can play in facilitating the exchange of information in relation to the sound management of chemicals and wastes among parties and other stakeholders and in promoting the understanding of scientific, technical and legal aspects of the three conventions. They also recognized the gaps in access to scientific information and knowledge, the inadequate capacity of developing countries to provide scientific inputs for the various processes under the conventions and the need for scientific and technical advice in relation to implementation and noted the role that the joint clearing-house mechanism strategy could play in addressing those issues. Finally the Conferences of the Parties requested the Secretariat to provide access to thematic information through the joint clearing-house mechanism, including from parties and other stakeholders, on the eleven priority areas listed in the decision documents below.

  • Basel Convention
  • Rotterdam Convention
  • Stockholm Convention
  • Synergies