Partnerships promote the involvement and cooperation with partners as they have a multiplier effect for the implementation of the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm conventions. Through partnerships, convention-specific issues are addressed within the work programmes of partners or in programmes of mutual interest among several partners.
The technical assistance needs assessments of Parties provide the basis for the identification, prioritization and initiation of partnerships in support of and supplementing, as appropriate, the capacity building and training activities by a wide array of stakeholders as well as the worldwide implementation of the technical assistance plan.
While using a harmonized approach across the three conventions, specific characteristics of technical assistance for each convention are taken into account:
In the strategic framework for the implementation of the Basel Convention, partnerships are identified as one of the means of implementation for the framework (PACE II, ENFORCE, Household Waste, Plastic Waste, other partnerships);
Under the Rotterdam Convention, the Secretariat focuses on country involvement and working and collaborating with partners on country--specific activities;
Specific partnerships are supported under the Stockholm Convention to promote the development and deployment of alternative products, methods and strategies to DDT for disease vector control (Global DDT Alliance) and to promote and encourage the environmentally sound management of PCB (PCB Elimination Network). Also, capacity building activities in collaboration with partners are an intrinsic part of the global monitoring plan for persistent organic pollutants (POPs) and the implementation of BAT and BEP.