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Join the webinar: 20 years of action to eliminate lead poisoning
The Basel Convention has teamed up with the World Health Organization and the United Nations Environment Programme for a webinar addressing lead exposure. The event will take place on 25 October 2022, on the margins of the 10th International Lead Poisoning Prevention Week.
Hybrid regional training for the Pacific region
Focused on legal frameworks and international trade control measures, this is a combination of national face-to-face sessions, running in parallel with a regional online training in each of the participating countries.
The Basel Convention makes history on e-waste!
International E-waste Day 2022 marks a new deal on e-waste under the Basel Convention.
BAT/BEP meeting taking place in Geneva from 11 to 13 October
The expert meeting on Best Available Techniques (BAT) and Best Environmental Practices (BEP) under the Stockholm Convention will focus on the revision and finalization of guidance documents, and the workplan for the next biennium.
POPRC-18 concludes with recommendations to list Dechlorane Plus and UV-328, and news of Italy becoming a Party to the Stockholm Convention
Experts from around the world worked on draft risk profiles and draft risk management evaluations to determine whether to recommend that a series of chemicals fulfil the criteria to be considered Persistent Organic Pollutants under the Stockholm Convention.
Responding to the call of the mountains with action
BRS Secretariat becomes a member of the Mountain Partnership and co-organises side event at the 6th Global Mountain Partnership Meeting.
POPRC-18 now in session!
The 18th meeting of the Persistent Organic Pollutants Review Committee of the Stockholm Convention is taking place this week in Rome, Italy, back-to-back with the 18th meeting of the Chemical Review Committee.
Rotterdam Convention scientific committee successfully concludes its review of hazardous pesticides
The 18th Chemical Review Committee recommended that methyl bromide and paraquat be listed under Annex III to the Convention.
CRC-18 begins in Rome with reviews of final regulatory actions for 10 chemicals
During the 18th meeting of the Chemical Review Committee, delegates will focus on finalising guidance documents about the terbufos and iprodione pesticides, both of which could be considered for listing in 2023. The meeting will conclude on 23 September.
Advance reports for the 2021/2022 BRS COPs now available in English
The reports cover work carried out during the resumed 2022 face-to-face segment, including the high-level segment.
Apply for the 5th funding cycle of the Chemicals and Waste Management Programme by 12 August!
A total of 66 countries have already been approved to receive support in the first five rounds to facilitate the fulfilment of obligations towards the chemicals and waste related instruments.
Briefing on the outcomes of the face-to-face segment of the COP.15 to the Basel Convention, the COP.10 to the Rotterdam Convention and the COP.10 to the Stockholm Convention
The online briefing will provide Party representatives, observers and other stakeholders with an overview of the main outcomes and decisions of the face-to-face segment of the meetings of the conferences of the Parties to the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm conventions that was held from 6 to 17 June...
Pierce Brosnan and his son, Paris Brosnan, launch video appeal to tackle plastic waste pollution
Legendary Hollywood actor Pierce Brosnan and Paris Brosnan, a filmmaker and environmental activist, have joined forces with the BRS Conventions to draw attention to the need for plastic waste management. Their PSA video is part of the Plastic is Forever campaign.
UN Oceans Conference side event highlights plastic waste trade regime under Plastic Waste Amendments
The event will take place on 28 June, 16:00 Lisbon time. Speakers will include ministers and high-level officers from the Seychelles Zimbabwe and Kenya as well as NORAD and SPREP, and the panel discussion among the representatives from the regional government of Sweden, SPREP, UNODC, and UNCTAD.
BRS COPs conclude with major decisions on e-waste movement and ban of harmful chemicals affecting firefighters
Pierce Brosnan and Dominic Thiem salute Basel Convention’s work to foster the environmentally sound management of plastic waste.
Nominations for the 2022 Asia Environmental Enforcement Awards are open until 30 June!
The Asia Environmental Enforcement Awards publicly recognize and celebrate excellence in enforcement by government officials and institutions or teams combating transboundary environmental crime. This year, for the first time, the Awards are supported by the Secretariat of the Basel, Rotterdam and S...
UN Palais des Nations shines bright during the BRS COPs Plastics Forum
With the campaign slogan “Plastic is Forever, so it’s time to get clever about managing it!”, the BRS Conventions highlight the need to manage plastic waste in environmentally sound ways.
Voices from the Field explain how they fight against the plastic waste crisis
The video series showcases stories from the development and implementation of SGP and PWP pilot projects.
Global environmental agenda advances as BRS COPs are held in Geneva to discuss chemicals and wastes management
More than 1500 registered participants representing the BRS Conventions reconvene in Geneva, Switzerland, from 6 to 17 June, for the first time in three years. Under the theme “Global Agreements for a Healthy Planet: Sound Management of Chemicals and Waste”, the BRS COPs will address the...
BRS COPs are reconvening in Geneva until 17 June!
The face-to-face segment of the Meetings of the Conferences of the Parties to the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions (BRS COPs) picks up where the High-level Segment left off last week in Stockholm.
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