At each of their meetings, the conferences of the Parties adopt the programme of work and budget of the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm conventions, respectively, for the following biennium.
The programmes of work and budgets of the conventions are set out in the related decisions adopted by each Conference of the Parties. In accordance with the financial rules, the budget is presented in programmatic formats harmonized for the three conventions. Activities of the programme of work are composed of convention-specific and joint activities for the three conventions clustered in the following areas:
- Conferences and meetings (activities 1-12)
- Technical assistance and capacity-building (activities 13-19)
- Scientific and technical activities (activities 20-24)
- Knowledge and information management and outreach (activities 25-27)
- Overall management (activities 28-31)
- Legal and policy (activities 32-34)
- Office maintenance and services (activities 35-36)
The Secretariat prepares budget activity fact sheets for planned activities, which provide additional information on mandates, rationales, detailed activities, outcomes with cost estimates, indicators of achievement, partners, socio/economic aspects, as well as resources approved for the current and previous bienniums.
After the completion of a biennium, the Secretariat prepares reports on the implementation of activities, their evaluation as per the indicators of achievement set out in the fact sheets, achieved outputs, as well as expenditures incurred under the general trust funds (BC, RC and SC trust funds) and voluntary trust funds (BD, RV and SV trust funds).
BC |
RC |
SC |
2022-2023 |
2020-2021 |
2018-2019 |
2016-2017 |
2014-2015 |
Further information about the implementation of activities can be accessed under the IMPLEMENTATION section of the synergies, as well as the Convention-specific websites.
The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (SDGs), adopted by all United Nations Member States in 2015, provides a shared blueprint for peace and prosperity for people and the planet, now and into the future. Chemicals and wastes provide important contribution for the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
Secretariat Work Plans
Additionally, the Secretariat develops work plans as a tool supporting the implementation of the programmes of work of the conventions. These work plans for each biennium are available on the synergies website under the sub-section Secretariat Reports.