Nominations are sought for outstanding women and men who have pioneered the integration of gender into the sound management of chemicals and wastes
Highlights from the scoping studies on integrating gender issues into the implementation of the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions in Nigeria and Indonesia are now available
The work of Senior Programme Officer and former BRS Gender Coordinator, Matthias Kern, was recognised during International Women’s Day celebrations on 8 March 2017
Women are vulnerable to the harmful effects of chemicals when working in agriculture: are they also the solution?
The BRS Clearing House Mechanism takes another step forward with joint country profiles now bringing all national information on chemicals governance into one place.
Parties and observers, including from the private sector are invited to exhibit solutions at the BRS Technology Fair, which will be held on the margins of the COPs from 27 to 29 April 2017.
A simulated chemical emergency in a Sao Paolo park was among the highlights of a workshop organised by BRS and the UN Office for Coordination of Humanitarian Assistance (OCHA) recently, hosted by the Brazilian Regional Centre CETESB
Register now to learn more about the next meetings of the Conferences of Parties to the three chemicals conventions. Available in English, French or Spanish.
Highlights of the first Stockholm Convention Effectiveness Evaluation Report, including factsheets on 5 key POPs, now available online.
Anne Daniel, Chair of the Stockholm Convention’s Effectiveness Evaluation Committee, shares her thoughts.
Angola deposited its instrument of accession, meaning that the Convention will enter into force for Angola on 7 May 2017, immediately following the thirteenth meeting of the Conference of the Parties.
The Director of the Basel and Stockholm Regional Centre for anglophone Africa, Taeolo Letsela, shares his thoughts ahead of the 2017 Triple COPs.
Maria-Cristina Cardenas is the second in our “Countdown to the COPs” series as UNEP’s expert-of-the-day.
Using empty pesticide bottles to take drinking water to school is just one of the ways children are exposed to toxic chemicals, says FAO’s Elisabetta Tagliati in the latest in the BRS video series.
First in our “Countdown to the COPs” series, FAO’s Elisabetta Tagliati is now live as UNEP’s expert-of-the-day.
With financial support from Switzerland, parties will consult regionally at preparatory meetings organised in March in Bangkok, Dakar, Riga and Sao Paolo.
The BRS Secretariat welcomes Carlos Martin-Novella as Deputy Executive Secretary. Mr Martin-Novella, previously at the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), replaces Kerstin Stendahl, who joins IPCC, as of 1 January 2017.
Expert Group finalizes practical manuals on Extended Producer Responsibility, financing systems, and guidance on the prevention and minimization of waste.
Pre-session documents for the three COPs, including the proposed programmes of work and budgets for the conventions for 2018-2019, are now available.
Find out more about the work of the Basel and Stockholm Regional centre in Pretoria, South Africa.