Amélie’s core functions, as a Legal Officer within the Programme and Resources Oversight unit/Executive Office of the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm (BRS) Conventions’ Secretariat, are to:
- administer the corporate and institutional legal services and activities, in coordination with the administrative & fund management officers, which mainly include: i) the drafting, negotiating, implementing of legal agreements/contracts with governments, Inter-Governmental Organisations (IGOs), Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs), and other public and private entities; ii) intellectual property law; iii) dispute resolution & prevention; as well as iv) a wide range of corporate and institutional legal substantive and procedural issues related to international, public, private, and administrative law, and to the interpretation of constitutive, legislative and other instruments governing the UN/UNEP/ the secretariat corporate and institutional legal activities and operations, including e.g. staff rules and regulations, financial rules as to arrears, etc.;
- lead the handling of legal and policy matters associated with: i) resources mobilisation and programme oversight; ii) knowledge management and communications; iii) human rights, including gender and staff representation issues; iv) trade & the environment relevant to the BRS Conventions, in cooperation with the World Trade Organization (WTO), UN Environment Economics and Trade Branch (ETB), the UN Conference on Trade & Development (UNCTAD), as well as with other relevant Multilateral Environmental Agreements (MEAs) and stakeholders;
Amélie took up her appointment as a Legal Officer of the Stockholm and of the Rotterdam Conventions in July 2009, and managed the Legal Unit of the Joint Services for the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions until February 2012. Prior to joining the United Nations, she acquired significant professional experience in the private sector, in Geneva, Paris, Brussels and Santiago de Chile, as an in-house senior legal counsel for a multinational biotech company, as an Attorney-at-Law/Avocate in law firms, as well as around and within international organisations (e.g. the European Commission, the World Trade Organization). She was admitted as an Attorney-at-Law to the Paris Bar Court of Appeals in 2001. Ms. Taoufiq was educated in the UK (London) and in France; she holds a Master’s Degree in International Law from the Université de Paris I - Panthéon Sorbonne (2000), and a Master’s Degree in the Intellectual Property/Media/Information/new technologies from the Université de Paris II - Panthéon Assas (2001). Being both a native French and Moroccan national, as well as a Swiss citizen, French is her mother tongue; she is also bilingual in English and Spanish, has a good working knowledge of German and basic knowledge of Arabic and Italian, among others.”
Telephone: +41 (0) 22 593 94 34