Countries make important progress towards goal of a safer planet.
From Thursday, 4 May 2017, to Friday, 5 May 2017, more than 140 Ministers, Deputy Ministers, and Ambassadors from over 100 countries gathered together for the High-Level Segment of the 2017 triple Conferences of the Parties, under the theme “A future detoxified: Sound management of chemicals ...
Opening day speeches from BRS’ Rolph Payet and Bill Murray, and UN Environment’s Ibrahim Thiaw are now available online.
Mr. Ibrahim Thiaw
Deputy Executive Director, UN Environment
24 April 2017, Geneva Switzerland
Mr. William Murray
Executive Secretary of the Rotterdam Convention
Deputy Director, Plant Production and Protection Division, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) Rome, Italy
24 April 2017, Geneva Switzerland
Mr. Rolph Payet
Executive Secretary of the
Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions
24 April 2017, Geneva Switzerland
1,500 participants, 180 countries, 3 conventions, 2 weeks, but just 1 goal: A Future Detoxified. Download the official Press Release here.
Don't miss a thing from the 2017 Triple COPs: Get the new, improved, BRS mobile application.
All you need to know about the 2017 Triple COPs in one place: download your copy now!
An online interactive infographic describes the Guidelines, Expert Working Group, Manuals, Pilot Projects and Toolbox which support the parties’ work on environmentally sound management (ESM)
A new Rotterdam Convention study in small island developing states (SIDs) found that whilst the use of organic alternatives is increasing, threats posed by the misues of toxic chemicals still persist.
Ahead of the 2017 Triple COPs, recent meetings in Geneva have emphasised that freedom from a polluted environment is a human right
All the latest information, including the schedule for Bureaux and Regional meetings for Sunday 23rd April, for the 2017 Triple COPs is available online
Capacity building is an integral part of the support to parties provided by the BRS Secretariat, read about it here ahead of the Triple COPs.
Our latest interview, with FAO’s Aleksandar Mihajlovski, explains all.
Browse the newly published list of planned side events, including two film screenings, for the forthcoming 2017 Triple COPs.
Discover the information, tools and communities that make the joint clearing house mechanism a reality to support the conventions.
Nominations are sought for outstanding women and men who have pioneered the integration of gender into the sound management of chemicals and wastes
Highlights from the scoping studies on integrating gender issues into the implementation of the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions in Nigeria and Indonesia are now available
The work of Senior Programme Officer and former BRS Gender Coordinator, Matthias Kern, was recognised during International Women’s Day celebrations on 8 March 2017