Standard Operating Procedures

As a follow up to the reorganization of the Secretariat of the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm conventions, Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) are currently being developed by the Secretariat for all its major functions and work processes.

The aim of these Standard Operating Procedures is to increase the transparency and accountability of the Secretariat operations, strengthen the internal management system and clarify functions and responsibilities in the new matrix structure.

The individual Standard Operating Procedures will be posted on the web as soon they are finalized:

Overall management


Items: 5  
Mobilization of Financial Resources for the UNEP-administered Voluntary Special Trust Funds of the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions, including monitoring of the status of mplementation of voluntary funded activities, donor communication and reporting SOP.01254.29 K
Preparation and updating of Secretariat work plans SOP.09145.04 K
Updating the joint calendar SOP.12127.26 K
Procedures on the development, approval, implementation, tracking and revision of Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) SOP.17160.48 K
Process for preparing briefing materials for the Executive Secretary or the Deputy Executive Secretary for participation in meetings or other events SOP.52326.32 K



Items: 2  
Staff travel including travel plans, processing and preparing reports SOP.16215.23 K
Hiring of Interns SOP.30213.99 K

Conferences and meetings


Items: 12  
Processing of pre-session working documents for the meetings of the conferences of the parties and the subsidiary bodies SOP.02416.49 K
In house processing of pre-session information documents (in English only) for meetings of the conferences of the parties and the subsidiary bodies SOP.03126.6 K
Preparation of the talking points (president’s notes, chair’s notes and co-chairs’ notes) for meetings of the conferences of the parties and their subsidiary bodies: Basel Convention Open-ended Working Group, Basel Convention Implementation and Compliance Committee, Rotterdam Convention Chemical Review Committee and Stockholm Convention Persistent Organic Pollutants Review Committee SOP.04256.89 K
Preparation of the meeting report for meetings of COPs, Basel Convention OEWG, Rotterdam Convention CRC and Stockholm Convention POPRC SOP.05216.18 K
Processing of Conference Room Papers (CRPs) and other related documents during meetings of the conferences of the parties and the subsidiary bodies (excluding the Implementation and Compliance Committee) SOP.07252.47 K
Organization of the bureau meetings as well as joint bureaux meetings of the conferences of the parties to the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm conventions SOP.08137.74 K
Information requests to parties in follow-up to meetings of the conferences of the parties and its subsidiary bodies SOP.14248.88 K
Organization of the meetings of the conferences of the Parties (COPs) and their subsidiary bodies under the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm conventions SOP.26383.18 K
Operation of the Chemical Review Committee of the Rotterdam Convention SOP.27195.58 K
Operation of the Persistent Organic Pollutants Review Committee of the Stockholm Convention SOP.28186.58 K
Participants’ management for meetings of the COPs and subsidiary bodies SOP.33283.57 K
Organization of meetings of the ad-hoc subsidiary bodies and experts under the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm conventions SOP.45387.41 K

Scientific and technical activities


Items: 4  
Preparation of the PIC Circular SOP.1366.27 K
Handling of import responses received for chemicals listed in Annex III SOP.18144.46 K
Verification of Notifications of Final Regulatory Action to ban or severely restrict a chemical SOP.19120.93 K
Registering for specific exemptions and acceptable purposes under the Stockholm Convention SOP.2373.17 K

Knowledge and information management and outreach


Items: 9  
Websites content management SOP.06194.62 K
Initiating a request for the production of a publication (printed and/or electronic) and obtaining preliminary approval for it from the Executive Secretary SOP.1061.66 K
Content preparation and initiating request for approval from the Executive Secretary for publishing the final draft of a publication (printed and/or electronic) SOP.1156.52 K
Requesting the preparation and distribution of a press release or advisory (PR) SOP.1556.14 K
Design, layout and printing services through the Publishing Service of UNOG SOP.2142.8 K
Publications design, layout and printing through external contractors SOP.2241.46 K
Development of e-questionnaires SOP.3154.84 K
Mail-outs from BRS contacts database SOP.3253.44 K
Requesting and processing all translation work done in house and by freelance translators SOP.51137.2 K

Legal and policy


Items: 8  
Notification of designation of Country Contacts to the Basel, Rotterdam and/or Stockholm conventions SOP.20271.22 K
Admission of observers to meetings of Conventions’ bodies and management of Secretariat relationships with observers SOP.25442.67 K
Transmission and circulation of notifications by Parties in accordance with the Basel Convention SOP.29282.05 K
Legal Instruments No1 Funds Received (Temporarily replaced by procedures below) SOP.3464.73 K
Legal Instruments No2 Funds Transmitted (Temporarily replaced by procedures below) SOP.3568 K
Legal Instruments No3 Non-Monetary Transactions (Temporarily replaced by procedures below) SOP.36173.64 K
Actions following notification of ratification, acceptance, approval of and accession to the Basel Convention or the Protocol thereto, the Rotterdam or Stockholm Convention, including amendments to the Annexes to the Conventions SOP.38146.01 K
Interim1 SOP on the BRS Secretariat engagement with non-State actors SOP.39677.53 K

Other procedures and guidances


Items: 2 
Procedure for drafting, clearance and signing legal agreements (donor agreements and Exchange of Letters (EOLs) for contributions to the voluntary trust funds of the Conventions)49.37 K
Procedure for SSFA and PCA for drafting, clearance and signing81.19 K