This year for the first time, 13 October is designated International E-waste Day, to raise awareness of the possible hazards to health and environment of recycling mobile phones, computers, and other electronic devices.
Read the BRS Newsletter, now online, to keep up with actions for a clean planet and healthy people.
Regional information sessions, throughout October, are staged back-to-back with Minamata Convention COP-2 preparatory meetings.
The BRS press release on Basel Convention partnerships is online, marking World Habitat Day 2018 and its focus on solid waste.
The press release of the 14th meeting of the POPs Review Committee is available online.
The BRS Secretariat is pleased to announce the theme for the 2019 Triple COPs.
The Press Release of the 14th Meeting of the Chemical Review Committee, which closed on 13 September in Rome, is available online.
A new report by the UN Special Rapporteur on Human Rights and Toxics states that one worker dies every 30 seconds from toxic exposure in the workplace.
The 39th Session of the UN Human Rights Council features the launch of the report of the UN Special Rapporteur on Toxics on “Workers Rights and Toxic Exposures” and a relevant side event focussing on the need to beat pollution.
The Press Release of the 11th Meeting of the Basel Convention’s Open-ended Working Group is now online.
Thanks to funding from the UK, an art installation in the heart of international Geneva became the focus of public awareness activity as part of the Basel Convention High Level Event on 4 September.
More than 70 ambassadors gathered in Geneva on 4 September to discuss ways forward to tackle marine plastic litter and microplastics.
International Geneva will mobilise for action on marine litter, waste, and microplastics from 2 to 6 September.
Erik Solheim, Head of UN Environment, and Rolph Payet, BRS Executive Secretary, shared a platform in Arendal, Norway on 15 August 2018 to raise awareness on toxic chemicals and their impacts on human health.
Scientific, legal and policy experts from across the world converge on Geneva and Rome to prepare decisions for the sound management of chemicals and waste.
BRS chief Rolph Payet participated in discussions at the High-Level Political Forum in New York, at which Sweden announced the launch of the High Ambition Alliance on Chemicals and Waste.
July 3rd is International Plastic Bag Free Day as organisations worldwide keep marine litter at the top of the global agenda.
Watch the recording of Rolph Payet’s interview for insights as to how the sound management of chemicals and wastes contributes to a clean planet and healthy people.
Now online: Secretariat report on the implementation of the programmes of work & budgets of the Basel, Rotterdam & Stockholm conventions for the biennium 2016-2017
Visit the BRS photo gallery to see how stakeholders came together to Beat Plastic Pollution