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International Mountains Day marked as countries prepare for expanded control of plastic waste
The Basel Convention’s Plastic Waste Amendments become effective on New Year’s Day 2021, giving new impetus to the protection of mountains and other regions from plastic waste pollution.
Join the Geneva Beat Plastic Pollution Dialogues, online, starting 26 November 2020
Organised by GEN with the BRS Secretariat and a host of other partners, the first of the series focuses on plastic waste.
The World Customs Organisation joins the Basel Convention’s Environmental Network for Optimizing Regulatory Compliance on Illegal Traffic - or ENFORCE
BRS looks forward to deepening cooperation with WCO and with customs administrations, to better prevent and combat illegal traffic of hazardous waste.
Webinar to outline the selected projects of the new Small Grants Programme on plastic waste
Learn about the 7 projects selected for funding from the first call for proposals, by joining this webinar on 12 November at 1400 .
The face-to-face segment of the 12th meeting of the Basel Convention’s Open-ended Working Group is postponed
Originally scheduled to be staged back-to-back with the 5th UN Environment Assembly, OEWG-12 is now postponed until further notice. The meeting report of the online segment is now available.
Saint-Christophe-et-Niévès - prêts pour partager leurs connaissances
Lisez la nouvelle interview BRS illustrant comment les petits États insulaires en développement partagent leurs expériences sur la mise en œuvre de la Convention de Rotterdam.
Saint Kitts y Nevis: listos para compartir sus conocimientos
Coopération Sud-Sud dans la mise en œuvre de la Convention de Rotterdam: Saint-Christophe-et-Niévès prêt à partager ses connaissances.
South-South Cooperation in implementing the Rotterdam Convention: Saint Kitts and Nevis ready to share their knowledge
Read the new BRS interview illustrating how Small Island Developing States are sharing experiences on implementing the Rotterdam Convention.
Theme for the 2021 Triple COPs announced: Global Agreements for a Healthy Planet
The Theme for the next meetings of the Conferences of the Parties to the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm conventions, and the associated High-Level Segment, from 19 to 31 July 2021, is “Global Agreements for a Healthy Planet; Sound Management of Chemicals & Waste”.
International E-Waste Day marked around the world
The BRS Secretariat is proud to support and publicise this day, organised by the WEEE Forum, which aims to draw attention to the growing environmental & health challenges posed by electrical and electronic waste.
Sound management of chemicals and waste a prerequisite for turning the tide on biodiversity loss
Joint press release from the BRS and Minamata convention secretariats on the occasion of the UN Summit on Biodiversity.
New report highlights dangers to health and the environment from toxic chemicals found in some types of plastic
Efforts towards building a circular economy might be compromised by chemical additives in certain plastics, a study by the Stockholm Convention’s Regional Centre for the Mediterranean, IPEN, UNEP and the BRS Secretariat finds.
Funding available for actions on plastic waste, deadline 31 October 2020
The Second Round of funding of the Basel Convention’s Small Grants Programme, generously funded by the Norwegian NORAD agency, is now open.
Twelfth meeting of the Open-ended Working Group (online segment): Meeting report now available
The English advance version of the report of the twelfth meeting of the Open-ended Working Group (online segment), held on 1-3 September 2020, is now available.
New UN Special Rapporteur on Human Rights & Toxics, Marcos Orellana, joins Rotterdam webinar focused on children & pesticides
Children and exposure to hazardous pesticides: risk reduction strategies and the human rights-based approach” is the title of this Spanish-language webinar, on 29 September 2020.
Global agreements for a healthy planet: 9 MEAs work together to address illegal traffic
Representatives from the Barcelona Convention, CITES, Climate Change Convention, Convention on Biological Diversity, Minamata Convention, Montreal Protocol, and the Rotterdam and Stockholm conventions, join the Basel Convention’s Implementation and Compliance Committee online to discuss ways ...
Rotterdam Convention Press Release: UN experts recommend listing DecaBDE and PFOA
The 16th meeting of the Chemicals Review Committee concludes successfully online with two chemicals recommended for listing in Annex III of the Rotterdam Convention at the next COP.
Plastic Waste: Your photo could make a difference
Back to school, back to university, back to the office? Snap the plastic waste you encounter and you could win the Plastic Waste Partnership’s photo contest, deadline 30 September.
Press Release: Basel Convention’s Open-ended Working Group meeting (online segment) concludes successfully
More than 600 experts from more than 100 countries participate at online segment of OEWG-12.
Tuvalu accedes to the Basel and Rotterdam conventions
The Basel and Rotterdam conventions continue to grow as Tuvalu becomes the 188th, and 163rd Party respectively, with into force on 19 November 2020.
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