The overall aim of this course is to guide Parties to the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions, and those interested in these topics, on the linkages between the three conventions and their contributions to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The course explains, in an interactive way with text, videos, animations and exercises, how each convention and their respective mechanisms for sharing information are used to measure SDGs’ indicators. The course is designed for learners to work flexibly at their own pace. And at the end of the course, users can obtain a certificate.
The Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions and their linkages with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
The BRS Secretariat is proud to partner with UNEP on the new Earth School Adventures, launched on 22 April, bringing environmental education into the homes of millions of home-schooling children, including a component on plastics (from 13 May).
Exciting new learning platform launched for home-schooling children!
BRS information platforms expanded to include new portal sharing publications, events and contacts from the network of regional centres, starting with the Basel and Stockholm Regional Centre for Francophone Africa in Dakar, Senegal, as the first new information source and publisher.
Regional Centre in Senegal is the first to operationalise automatic information exchange through the BRS Clearing House Mechanism
Apply for space at the Information Fair, 2 to 4 May, to showcase products, processes or partnerships which improve implementation of the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm conventions.
Chemicals and waste “Information Fair” at the 2019 BRS Triple COPs
BRS chief Rolph Payet joins other MEA heads and staff in Montreux, Switzerland at the latest meeting of the Informea network, 5 to 7 June.
Convention heads meet to further improve knowledge management, access to information, and sharing
Executive Secretary Rolph Payet contributes to discussions on a range of issues, including the Sustainable Development Goals, throughout WSIS 2018
BRS Secretariat participates at the World Summit on the Information Society Forum in Geneva
Global Monitoring Plan’s data warehouse holds historical records of POPs levels in air, water, blood and breastmilk.
Online Stockholm Convention interactive maps show POPs levels worldwide
Data collected and submitted by Parties in their national reports can be used in multiple ways, as demonstrated by new research showing declines in DDT production and use.
Use of Stockholm Convention national reporting data informs research on sound management of chemicals

Data collected and submitted by Parties in their national reports can be used in multiple ways, as demonstrated by new research showing declines in DDT production and use. An article published in October 2017 in the open-access Malaria Journal, by Gamini Manuweera of the BRS Secretariat, together with researchers from the universities of Wageningen and Copenhagen, shows a steady decline in both the production and use of DDT over the years since the adoption of the Stockholm Convention.
View the full article here: https://malariajournal.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12936-017-2050-2
The article highlights several limitations in implementation of the Stockholm Convention with regard to DDT, some of which may also apply to other POPs, including in particular deficiencies in reporting, with a low response rate and inaccurate or incomplete information contained in many submitted reports. In particular, the assessment and reporting on obsolete stocks, waste and disposal of DDT should be improved. Similarly, the response rate to the DDT Questionnaire has so far been inadequate, with several countries for which independent information sources indicate ongoing use of DDT failing to fulfill this specific requirement under the Convention. There are indications that deficiencies in the quality of reporting (e.g. on dates, DDT amounts, and formulations) are an impediment for the comprehensive evaluation of the continued need for DDT by the Conference of Parties.
For more information on the BRS Secretariat work on DDT, see: https://chm.pops.int/Implementation/PesticidePOPs/DDT/Overview/tabid/378/Default.aspx
The Strategic Approach to International Chemicals Management – SAICM - invites all stakeholders to share their views through an online survey on information needs.
Stakeholders invited to share opinions on knowledge management needs
Experts attending the forthcoming scientific meetings of the Rotterdam & Stockholm conventions can download our updated App.
New BRS App available for all your #Detox info needs
UNITAR, the UN’s training and research institute, and the BRS Secretariat, together offer a range of online training modules of relevance for implementing the conventions.
Online training available on sound management of chemicals and waste
The joint clearing house mechanism’s searchable calendar now features key dates from the Minamata and SAICM processes
Info on Minamata and SAICM meetings now accessible through BRS clearing house mechanism
The Secretariat of the Rotterdam Convention has developed this e-Learning tool with the goal of providing technical training to Designated National Authorities (DNA) and other interested stakeholders for the implementation of the Convention.
Interpol and the Secretariat have jointly developed an e-learning module for law enforcement officers on hazardous chemicals and wastes under the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions. The legal international trade in chemicals and wastes is an important part of the global economy, but it is crucial that this trade be effectively controlled.
E-learning module for law enforcement officers
Don't miss a thing from the 2017 Triple COPs: Get the new, improved, BRS mobile application.
New BRS COPs app now available for download
BRS App provides a window to information about the meetings of the global chemicals and wastes conventions. It gives quick and easy access to essential information about the 2015 COPs as well as other information about the Secretariat of the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions.
BRS App is available on App Store for iOS and Google Play for Android devices.
For more information about the BRS App, please contact Julien Hortoneda at Julien.Hortoneda@brsmeas.org.
Discover the information, tools and communities that make the joint clearing house mechanism a reality to support the conventions.
Keep well informed with the BRS clearing house mechanism, now with new, user-friendly, web section
The BRS Clearing House Mechanism takes another step forward with joint country profiles now bringing all national information on chemicals governance into one place.
New joint information profiles now online for 193 countries
The newly available, interactive tool on Final Regulatory Actions helps Parties, especially developing countries, take scientifically-sound decisions
New online tool assists Rotterdam Convention Parties’ decision-making on hazardous chemicals
The newly available, interactive tool on Final Regulatory Actions helps Parties, especially developing countries, take scientifically-sound decisions
Ahead of the Triple COPs in April 2017, get the latest in everything connected to the sound management of chemicals and waste straight to your inbox each month.
Do you get the monthly BRS #Detox Newsletter?
To access recognised experts in chemicals and waste, visit the new online Roster, the latest addition to the BRS clearing-house mechanism.
Global Roster of Experts now online!