Assisting parties to protect human health and the environment
June 2016 - No. 4
This, the fourth, edition of the new BRS monthly Newsletter features news from the three conventions, a new appointment in Africa, a look forward to the Basel Open-ended Working Group, a Caribbean view of the chemicals and waste sector, the availability online of the much-anticipated E-waste technical guidelines, and a quiz to test your knowledge of linkages with the SDGs. Enjoy!
The Government of Nigeria in consultation with the Secretariat has appointed Professor Percy C. Onianwa as the new director of Basel Convention Coordinating Centre for Africa effective 23 May 2016.
45 representatives from 15 SADC countries met in South Africa for training and discussions on minimising risks to human health and the environment from highly hazardous pesticides.
Reviewing pesticides and industrial chemicals for inclusion in the Convention, CRC.12 will take place from 14-16 September 2016 at FAO headquarters in Rome. The meeting agenda is now available.
Official Contact Points from developing country Parties and Parties with economies in transition are invited to fill in an online questionnaire to provide information sought by the Conference of the Parties, by 10 June 2016.
Resolutions on the sound management of chemicals and waste, marine litter, and the role of MEAs among resolutions agreed by UN member states at UNEA in Nairobi, 23 - 27 May 2016.
Aiming to strengthen national institutions and to promote the mainstreaming of sound management of chemicals and wastes, the 1st Call for Proposals is open until 4 July 2016.
Focusing on the development of guidelines that promote the environmentally sound management of wastes (ESM) and improving national reporting on progress on implementation of the Basel Convention, OEWG-10 is at the heart of efforts to reach several of the 2030 sustainable development goals.
June is a busy month for BRS with meetings of the Bureaux of the Conferences of the Parties to the Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions, and the 12th meeting of the Basel Convention Implementation and Compliance Committee (ICC).
Test your knowledge of how the SDGs require sustainable management of chemicals and waste by taking our online SDG quiz, which was piloted by UNEA2 delegates in Nairobi recently.