Assisting parties to protect human health and the environment
May 2016 - No. 3
This is the third issue of the new BRS monthly Newsletter. We hope you find it useful. In this issue you’ll find reports on progress amongst the three conventions, a look ahead to the UN Environment Assembly (UNEA2) in Nairobi towards the end of May, several pieces linking the sustainable management of chemicals and wastes with the SDGs, and a post card from Fiji. Don’t forget, for the very latest news on the chemicals and waste agenda, including live updates from UNEA2, follow us through twitter via @brsmeas. Happy reading!.
ENFORCE brings together regional representatives from Basel Convention parties, Basel Convention Regional Centres and enforcement agencies for capacity building to prevent and combat illegal traffic in hazardous wastes.
Some 24 experts of the Chemicals Review Committee took part in the recent orientation workshop, hosted by FAO in Rome from 18 to 21 April 2016.
The Department of Standards and Control of the Ministry of the Environment, Protection of Nature and Sustainable Development, has submitted 23 import responses meeting its obligation under article 10 of the Rotterdam Convention.
Visit the one-stop shop for resources on the life-cycle management of DDT, within the context of the chemicals and waste conventions and pulling together information from WHO, FAO and others.
Aiming to strengthen national institutions and to promote the mainstreaming of sound management of chemicals and wastes, the 1st Call for Proposals is open until 4 July 2016.
Marking 25 years of service to UNEP, BRS staff Laura Meszaros from Argentina, and Ariel Dayao from the Philippines, were recently honoured at the Palais des Nations, Geneva.
You can still register for, and since 4 April 2016 join, the first ever Massive Open Online Course on the E-waste Challenge, now underway.
Read the BRS Executive Secretary’s address to the first International Conference on Chemical Safety and Security (ICCSS1) held in Kielce, Poland 18-20 April 2016.
Delivering the environmental dimension of the SDGs means achieving sustainable management of chemicals and waste, the message at UNEA-2 in Nairobi, 23-27 May.
Back-to-back with the United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA2), at which BRS and many partners will be present, the Basel Convention OEWG10 will be staged in Nairobi, Kenya, from 30 May to 2 June 2016.
Suva, Fiji, was the recent venue for two workshops assisting Pacific parties with updating their National Implementation Plans, and on continuous implementation of the Global Monitoring Plan for POPs.
Delivering on the 2030 Agenda - gearing up for UNEA 2. UNEA – 2 promises to be an important event providing direction and leadership for the successful implementation of the environmental dimension of the sustainable development goals, the SDGs.
The second feature in our series on regional implementation highlights the Stockholm Convention Regional Centre in Nairobi, Kenya.
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