News Features


Briefing on the face-to-face segment and the high-level segment of the COP.15 to the Basel Convention, the COP.10 to the Rotterdam Convention and the COP.10 to the Stockholm Convention
The online briefings will provide Party representatives, observers and other stakeholders with an overview of the agenda items that will be considered by the conferences of the Parties to the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm conventions during the face-to-face segment of their meetings to be held from...

Briefing on the face-to-face segment and the high-level segment of the COP.15 to the Basel Convention, the COP.10 to the Rotterdam Convention and the COP.10 to the Stockholm Convention

Briefing on the face-to-face segment and the high-level segment of the COP.15 to the Basel Convention, the COP.10 to the Rotterdam Convention and the COP.10 to the Stockholm Convention
The Norwegian Retailers' Environment Fund pledges 30 million NOK to support the BRS Conventions handling plastic waste in developing countries
The BRS Conventions Executive Secretary, Rolph Payet, visited Norway to sign the agreement with the Norwegian Retailers' Environment Fund acting CEO, Eirik Oland.

The Norwegian Retailers' Environment Fund pledges 30 million NOK to support the BRS Conventions handling plastic waste in developing countries

The Norwegian Retailers' Environment Fund pledges 30 million NOK to support the BRS Conventions handling plastic waste in developing countries

The BRS Conventions Executive Secretary, Rolph Payet, visited Norway to sign the agreement with the Norwegian Retailers' Environment Fund acting CEO, Eirik Oland.

On 27 April, the Executive Secretary of the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm (BRS) Conventions, Rolph Payet, visited Norway to sign a contract with the Norwegian Retailers' Environment Fund (Handelens Miljøfond), which expands technical assistance and capacity-building for developing countries to strengthen the implementation of the BRS Conventions in favour of the environmentally sound management of plastic waste.

The funding marks the second time that Handelens Miljøfond has financed the work of the BRS Secretariat, rounding up the total of funds received to 33 million Norwegian Krone. Handelens Miljøfond acting CEO, Eirik Oland, remarked on the “incredibly important job that the BRS Secretariat does putting in place systems for plastic waste handling in countries that face major environmental challenges.” The plastics project supported by Handelens Miljøfond will help build a bridge between the BRS Conventions and the new global plastics agreement, which was announced in March during the United Nations Environment Assembly in Nairobi.

Currently, the Basel Convention is the only global legally binding agreement that specifically addresses plastic waste through its Plastic Waste Amendments. As such, it has been instrumental in generating the required momentum to launch negotiations for a new treaty to end plastic pollution.

“Our project, implemented at the national level in Nepal, Rwanda and Zambia, will leverage international policy to ensure that good practices are taken up for tackling plastic waste in these local communities,” noted Rolph Payet. The BRS Executive Secretary went on to exalt the initiative shown by a donor, such as Handelens Miljøfond. “We believe that players like Handelens Miljøfond can help prepare the ground for other stakeholders from the private sector to contribute to the important work of reducing the environmental problems associated with the use of plastic,” he said.

The BRS Conventions drive the environmentally sound management of plastic waste and chemicals in plastics by strengthening legal and institutional frameworks, providing technical guidelines and guidance, as well as by building on infrastructure, human and financial resources, availability of data, and increased awareness.

See photos from the meetings between BRS Secretariat and Handelens Miljøfond here.  


The Secretariat of the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions (BRS Secretariat) brings together the three leading multilateral environmental agreements that share the common objective of protecting human health and the environment from hazardous chemicals and wastes.

The Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and their Disposal aims to protect people and the environment from the negative effects of the inappropriate management of hazardous wastes worldwide.

The Norwegian Retailers' Environment Fund (Handelens Miljøfond) is the Norway's largest private environmental fund, and support national and international projects that reduce plastic pollution, increase plastic recycling and reduce the consumption of plastic bags.


For questions on the BRS funding and donors: Frank Moser, Head of the Programme Resources and Oversight Unit,

For technical questions on the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions: Kei Ohno Woodall, BRS Programme Management Officer,

For media inquiries: Marisofi Giannouli, BRS Associate Public Information officer,

Inspirational success stories from the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions
A selection of case studies where projects implemented by the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions have led to successful outcomes for human health and the environment.

Inspirational success stories from the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions

Inspirational success stories from the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions
Impact of COVID-19 on BRS meetings <span class='attentionNote'>(Updated 11 April 2022)</span>

Impact of COVID-19 on BRS meetings (Updated 11 April 2022)

Impact of COVID-19 on BRS meetings <span class='attentionNote'>(Updated 11 April 2022)</span>

Geneva, 11 April 2022

Through this webpage, the Secretariat wishes to provide regular updates on the latest developments regarding upcoming BRS meetings, in light of the current situation related to the coronavirus disease (COVID-19).

The Secretariat is keeping the situation under review taking into account the information and guidance from the United Nations Department of Operational Support, the WHO, the Swiss authorities, the Italian authorities, the Food and Agriculture Organization and the United Nations Office at Geneva that is received and updated regularly.

Please find below an update on the status of BRS meetings that have been either postponed or planned to be held online:





20-22 April 2020

Geneva (online)

First meeting of the small intersessional working group on the strategic framework for the implementation of the Basel Convention for 2012-2021


7 May 2020

Rome (online)

Orientation for new members of the Chemical Review Committee


9 June 2020

Geneva (online)

Meeting of the Bureau of the Conference of the Parties to the Rotterdam Convention


10 June 2020

Geneva (online)

Meeting of the Bureau of the Conference of the Parties to the Stockholm Convention


25-26 June 2020

Geneva (online)

Meeting of the Bureau of the Conference of the Parties to the Basel Convention


29 June-3 July 2020

Geneva (online)

Fourteenth meeting of the Basel Convention Implementation and Compliance Committee (ICC-14) (part I)


1-3 September 2020

Geneva (online)

Online segment of the twelfth meeting of the Open-ended Working Group of the Basel Convention (OEWG-12), followed by an additional face-to-face segment tentatively scheduled to take place in March 2021 in Nairobi


8-11 September 2020

Rome (online)

Sixteenth meeting of the Rotterdam Convention Chemical Review Committee


21-25 September 2020

Geneva (online)

Fourteenth meeting of the Basel Convention Implementation and Compliance Committee (ICC-14) (part II)


30 September-2 October 2020  Geneva (online)  Annual joint meeting of the regional centres under the Basel and Stockholm conventions Held
5-9 October 2020  Geneva (online)  Fourth meeting of the Expert Working Group on the review of Annexes
13-23 October 2020  Geneva (online)  Meeting of the coordination group for the Global Monitoring Plan for POPs under the Stockholm Convention  Held
21 October 2020  Geneva (online)
Second online meeting of the small intersessional working group on PCB under the Stockholm Convention Held
22 October 2020 Geneva (online) Second meeting of the small intersessional working group on the strategic framework for the implementation of the Basel Convention for 2012-2021 Held
27-28 October 2020 and 3-4 November 2020 Geneva (online) Meeting of the small intersessional working group on technical specially engineered landfill (D5) and incineration on land (D10) and energy recovery (R1) Held
27 October-6 November  Geneva (online)   Expert meeting on Best Available Techniques and Best Environmental Practices under the Stockholm Convention Held
9-12 November 2020  Geneva (online)
Eighth Expert Group Meeting on DDT under the Stockholm Convention Held
16-19 November 2020 Geneva (online)
Meeting of the small intersessional working group on technical guidelines on persistent organic pollutants as wastes Held
24-25 November 2020 Geneva (online) Meeting of the small intersessional working group on D5, D10 and R1 technical guidelines - Part III Held 
7 December 2020 Geneva (online) Fourteenth meeting of the Basel Convention Implementation and Compliance Committee (ICC-14) (part III) Held
8-11 December 2020 Geneva (online)   Meeting of the small intersessional working group on technical guidelines on mercury wastes Held
14-18 December 2020 Geneva (online) Meeting of the small intersessional working group on the technical guidelines on plastic wastes Held
11-16 January 2021 Geneva
Sixteenth meeting of the Stockholm Convention Persistent Organic Pollutants Committee  Held
21-22 January 2021 Geneva (online) Third Meeting of the expert working group on the e-waste technical guidelines Held
25-26 January 2021  Geneva (online)  Meeting of the small intersessional working group on D5, D10 and R1 technical guidelines - Part V Held
26-27 January 2021 Geneva (online) 5th Meeting of the Environmental Network for Optimizing Regulatory Compliance on Illegal Traffic (ENFORCE) Held
26 January 2021  Geneva (online)  Joint meeting of the Presidents of the Conferences of the Parties to the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm conventions Held
27-29 January 2021  Geneva (online) Joint meeting of the bureaux of the conferences of the Parties to the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm conventions  Held
28 January 2021
Geneva (online) Third meeting of the PCB Small intersessional working group Cancelled
1-3 February 2021   Geneva (online)  Fourth meeting of the Expert Working Group on the review of Annexes - (Part II)   Held
8-12 February 2021  Geneva (online)  Meeting of the small intersessional working group on D5, D10 and R1 technical guidelines - Part V
17-18 February 2021  Geneva (online)  Meeting of the SIWG on POPs wastes technical guidelines (Part II) Held
5-6 May
Geneva (online)
Africa regional preparatory meeting for the online segment of the BRS COPs
11-12 May 2021
Geneva (online)
Eastern Europe regional preparatory meeting for the online segment of the BRS COPs
17-21 May 2021
Geneva (online)
Fourth meeting of the Expert Working Group on the review of Annexes, supplementary sessions (part III)
31 May-1 June 2021
Geneva (online)
GRULAC regional preparatory meeting for the online segment of the BRS COPs
8-9 June 2021
Geneva (online)
Asia-Pacific regional preparatory meeting for the the online segment of the BRS COPs
14-16 June 2021
Geneva (online)
2nd meeting of the Plastic Waste Partnership working group
26-30 July 2021  Geneva (online) Online segment of the meetings of the conferences of the Parties to the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm conventions (BC COP-15, RC COP-10, SC COP-10) Held
20-24 Sept 2021  Rome (online)
Seventeenth meeting of the Chemical Review Committee of the Rotterdam Convention  Held
11-15 Oct 2021  Geneva (online)  Fourth meeting of the Expert Working Group on the review of annexes, supplementary sessions (part IV)  Held
15-18 Nov 2021
Geneva (online) Fourteenth meeting of the Basel Convention Implementation and Compliance Committee (part lV)
23-24 Nov 2021 Geneva (online) Annual joint meeting of the regional centres under the Basel and Stockholm Conventions Held
13-17 Dec 2021 Geneva (online) Second meeting of the SIWG on plastic waste technical guidelines Held
13 Jan 2022 Geneva (online) Fourth meeting of the Expert Working Group on the review of annexes, supplementary sessions (part V) of the Basel Convention Held
17-19 January 2022 Geneva (online) Second meeting of the SIWG on plastic waste technical guidelines (Part II) Held
24-28 Jan 2022 Geneva or online Seventeenth meeting of the Persistent Organic Pollutants Review Committee of the Stockholm Convention  Held
1-2 February 2022 Geneva and online Joint bureaux meeting Held
7-9 February 2022 Geneva (online) Second meeting of the SIWG on plastic waste technical guidelines (Part III) Held
27-29 March 2022 Bali, Indonesia and online Regional preparatory meeting for the 2022 face-to-face segment of the BRS COPs for the Asia-Pacific region Held
4-6 April 2022 Nairobi, Kenya and online Face to face segment of twelfth meeting of Open-ended Working Group of the Basel Convention (OEWG-12) Held
7-9 April 2022 Nairobi, Kenya Regional preparatory meeting for the 2022 face-to-face segment of the BRS COPs for the African region Held
12-14 April 2022 Geneva and online First meeting of the effectiveness evaluation committee Confirmed
3-5 May 2022 Montevideo, Uruguay Regional preparatory meeting for the 2022 face-to-face segment of the BRS COPs for the Latin American and the Caribbean region Confirmed
6-17 June 2022 Geneva, Switzerland
Face-to-face segment of the meetings of the Conferences of the Parties to the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm conventions (BC COP-15, RC COP-10, SC COP-10) Confirmed
9-10 May 2022  Prague, Czech Republic Regional preparatory meeting for the 2022 face-to-face segment of the BRS COPs for the Eastern Europe (and Central Asian) region Confirmed
1 June 2022 Stockholm, Sweden High-level segment of the meetings of the conferences of the Parties to the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions (BC COP-15, RC COP-10, SC COP-10) Confirmed
19-23 Sept. 2022
Rome, Italy Eighteenth meeting of the Chemical Review Committee of the Rotterdam Convention Tentative
26-30 Sept. 2022  Rome, Italy Eighteenth meeting of the Persistent Organic Pollutants Review Committee of the Stockholm Convention Tentative

Please kindly consult our online calendar for more regular updates.

Africa preparatory meeting held in the lead-up to the triple COPs
The Africa regional preparatory meeting for the upcoming Conferences of the Parties to the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions takes place from 7 to 9 April in Nairobi, following the twelfth meeting of the Open-ended Working Group of the Basel Convention (OEWG-12).

Africa preparatory meeting held in the lead-up to the triple COPs

Africa preparatory meeting held in the lead-up to the triple COPs
12th meeting of the Open-ended Working Group of the Basel Convention is underway
The face-to-face segment of the Open-ended Working Group of the Basel Convention will be held from 4 to 6 April 2022, in the United Nations Office at Nairobi.

12th meeting of the Open-ended Working Group of the Basel Convention is underway

12th meeting of the Open-ended Working Group of the Basel Convention is underway
Journalists and communicators, sign up for the 2022 BRS COPs media training workshop!
The Secretariat of the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions is organising a media training workshop to inform members of the press and communication specialists on the upcoming Conference of the Parties to the Conventions (BRS COPs). Sessions will take place from 27 to 28 April 2022, and will ...

Journalists and communicators, sign up for the 2022 BRS COPs media training workshop!

Journalists and communicators, sign up for the 2022 BRS COPs media training workshop!
Save the date: the High-level Segment of the BRS COPs will be held in connection with the Stockholm+50 meeting on 1 June 2022.
The High-level Segment of the meetings of the Conferences of the Parties to the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions will be held in connection to the Stockholm+ 50 at the Stockholm Exhibition & Convention centre at Älvsjö, in Stockholm, Sweden.

Save the date: the High-level Segment of the BRS COPs will be held in connection with the Stockholm+50 meeting on 1 June 2022.

Save the date: the High-level Segment of the BRS COPs will be held in connection with the Stockholm+50 meeting on 1 June 2022.
Tentative schedule of work for the BRS COPs is available now!
The tentative schedule of work for the face-to-face segment of the meetings of the conferences of the Parties to the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm conventions (BRS COPs) has been issued. The 2021/2022 BRS COPs will take place in Geneva, Switzerland, from 7 to 16 June 2022.

Tentative schedule of work for the BRS COPs is available now!

Tentative schedule of work for the BRS COPs is available now!
Asia-Pacific preparatory meetings held in the lead-up to the triple COPs
The Asia-Pacific regional preparatory meeting for the upcoming Conference of the Parties to the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions take place from 27 to 29 March in Bali, back-to-back with the 4th meeting of the Conference of Parties of the Minamata Convention on Mercury.

Asia-Pacific preparatory meetings held in the lead-up to the triple COPs

Asia-Pacific preparatory meetings held in the lead-up to the triple COPs
Put forward your proposals for Small Grants Programmes on plastic waste!
The call for the third round of projects to be implemented under the Small Grants Programmes on Plastic Waste will remain open until 25 May 2022. The BRS Secretariat will facilitate the implementation of regional, subregional and national projects based on the respective business plans or workplans ...

Put forward your proposals for Small Grants Programmes on plastic waste!

Put forward your proposals for Small Grants Programmes on plastic waste!
Submit your proposal for side events in the upcoming BRS COPs!
Join us in Geneva from 6 to 17 June for the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions Conference of Parties, and support the role of multilateral environmental agreements in protecting human health and our planet. Deadline for event submissions is 22 April 2022.

Submit your proposal for side events in the upcoming BRS COPs!

Submit your proposal for side events in the upcoming BRS COPs!
Rolph Payet speaks on the science of chemicals and wastes
BRS Executive Secretary gave an interview on UNEP’s decision to establish a science-policy panel that will further contribute to the sound management of chemicals and waste.

Rolph Payet speaks on the science of chemicals and wastes

Rolph Payet speaks on the science of chemicals and wastes
Happy International Women’s Day 2022!
Today we celebrate our colleagues and all the women and girls around the world who act as powerful change-makers, fighting for a sustainable, more equal future.

Happy International Women’s Day 2022!

Happy International Women’s Day 2022!
Celebrating 35 years of compliance mechanisms under the UNEP-administered MEAs
Held on the margins of the United Nations Environment Programme’s 50th anniversary, the event explored ways of keeping environmental governance effective under the Multilateral Environmental Agreements.

Celebrating 35 years of compliance mechanisms under the UNEP-administered MEAs

Celebrating 35 years of compliance mechanisms under the UNEP-administered MEAs

The role of compliance mechanisms under the eight global Multilateral Environmental Agreements (MEAs) administered by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) took center stage today during the United Nations Environmental Assembly Special Session to commemorate UNEP’s 50th anniversary. The side event was co-organised by the secretariats of the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions (BRS), the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety to the Convention on Biological Diversity, the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora, the Convention on Migratory Species of Wild Animals, the Minamata Convention on Mercury, and the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer to the Vienna Convention for the Protection of the Ozone Layer.

Kicking off the discussion, the President of the Implementation Committee of the Montreal Protocol, Ms. Guo Xiaolin, remarked on the positive impact of the Protocol, which has prevented damages to human health, ecosystems, agriculture, animals and materials from the harmful UV radiation and ultimately contributed to the avoidance of global warming by 1°C. “The compliance regime of the Protocol facilitates, promotes and enforces conformity with commitments by the Parties through cooperative, non-judicial and non-confrontational processes,” elaborated Guo.

Adopted in 2013, the Minamata Convention is perpetuating the legacy of compliance mechanisms. Executive Secretary Ms. Monika Stankiewicz explained that “Through print and electronic reporting, Minamata presents Parties with opportunities to share not only challenges in the implementation, but also other inputs and feedback on the Convention, all of which help to facilitate compliance.”

Former Chair and Vice-Chair of the Compliance Committee under the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety, Ms. Jimena Nieto Carrasco, who joined the discussion online from Colombia, highlighted the similar procedures and mechanisms between the Compliance Committees under the Cartagena Protocol and the Nagoya Protocol on Access to Genetic Resources, including reviewing compliance of national reports by Parties every four years.

Next to take the floor was Ms. Amy Fraenkel, the Executive Secretary of the Convention on Migratory Species, which was adopted in 1979. She stated: “We are the only legally binding agreement that deals with the conservation and the habitat of migratory species, and our compliance mechanism is based on dialogue,” adding that “Its goal is not to punish Parties but to look at what is happening on the ground, where there are issues, and investigate what can be done to solve problems.”

UNEP Executive Director Ms. Inger Andersen addressed participants as a guest speaker, and  underlining the importance of compliance by making a connection with the recent historic resolution endorsed by 175 nations to end plastic pollution through the forging of an international legally binding agreement by 2024. Currently, the Basel Convention and its Plastic Waste Amendments is the only MEA addressing plastic waste, legally binding 189 Parties to minimize the generation of plastic wastes, to manage it an environmentally sound manner and strictly control its international trade so that it only take place between consenting nations who can manage it in environmentally sustainable ways.

“We, at UNEP, are tremendously proud to be the host of a number of MEAs. The fact that we have been entrusted with this role represents an understanding not that these Conventions do not have a life and a governance of their own, but that they are stronger when woven into what I often refer to as the ‘broader tapestry’ that UNEP offers,” remarked Andersen.

An interactive dialogue followed between all panellists, also featuring an intervention by H.E. Franz Perrez, Ambassador for the Environment and Head of the International Affairs Division in Switzerland’s Federal Office for the Environment. He noted that “MEAs are at the heart of the international structure that helps us protect the environment”, and went on to attribute their importance to the fact that they are able to advance policies and ensure that these policies are implemented: Ambassador Perrez concluded by saying that “Compliance is in the self-interest of each MEA Party, as it is there to protect the integrity of the system and support implementation.”

Mr. Rolph Payet , Executive Secretary of the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions served as moderator for the event. In his closing statement, he emphasized the role of compliance mechanisms in promoting policy coherence and enhancing collaboration: “MEAs are global treaties, and there are a lot of countries, interests, needs and gaps as far as they are involved. For that reason, it is important that we build and maintain compliance mechanisms in the Conventions to ensure that we measure their effectiveness, and keep them alive and relevant.”

More information on the event, including a recording, can be accessed here.

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