News Features


Training Course on Basic Principles of Chairing and Role of the Chairs of Meetings of the BRS Conventions
Enhance your chairing skills by taking the free, upgraded training course on Principles of Chairing and Role of the Chairs of BRS Convention Meetings.

Training Course on Basic Principles of Chairing and Role of the Chairs of Meetings of the BRS Conventions

Training Course on Basic Principles of Chairing and Role of the Chairs of Meetings of the BRS Conventions
2023 BRS COPs meeting reports available
Read the advance English versions of the reports of the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm conventions 2023 COPs.

2023 BRS COPs meeting reports available

2023 BRS COPs meeting reports available
Outcomes of the nineteenth meetings the Chemical Review Committee and the Persistent Organic Pollutants Review Committee
The objective of this online briefing is to inform Parties to the Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions, observers and other stakeholders on the outcomes of the nineteenth meetings of the Rotterdam Convention’s Chemical Review Committee (CRC-19) and the Stockholm Convention’s Persistent Or...

Outcomes of the nineteenth meetings the Chemical Review Committee and the Persistent Organic Pollutants Review Committee

Outcomes of the nineteenth meetings the Chemical Review Committee and the Persistent Organic Pollutants Review Committee
Pacific region takes significant steps by aligning the Waigani Convention with global efforts to control plastic waste
On 13 October 2023, the Conference of Parties to the Waigani Convention made history by adopting the first-ever amendment to the Convention, marking a significant step by countries in the Pacific region toward aligning the Convention with global efforts under the Basel Convention to better control p...

Pacific region takes significant steps by aligning the Waigani Convention with global efforts to control plastic waste

Pacific region takes significant steps by aligning the Waigani Convention with global efforts to control plastic waste
Join the online briefings on the 19th meetings of the Chemical Review Committee (CRC) of the Rotterdam Convention and the POPs  Review Committee (POPRC)  of the Stockholm Convention
The online briefings will provide an overview of the issues that will be considered by the nineteenth meetings of the CRC and the POPRC to be held respectively from 3 to 6 October 2023 and 9 to 13 October 2023 in Rome, Italy.

Join the online briefings on the 19th meetings of the Chemical Review Committee (CRC) of the Rotterdam Convention and the POPs Review Committee (POPRC) of the Stockholm Convention

Join the online briefings on the 19th meetings of the Chemical Review Committee (CRC) of the Rotterdam Convention and the POPs  Review Committee (POPRC)  of the Stockholm Convention
BC COP-16 meeting report now available
Read the advance English version of the report of the sixteenth meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Basel Convention.

BC COP-16 meeting report now available

BC COP-16 meeting report now available
Briefing on the outcomes of the face-to-face segment of the COP.16 to the Basel Convention, the COP.11 to the Rotterdam Convention and the COP.11 to the Stockholm Convention
The online briefings provided an overview of the outcomes of the latest meetings of the conferences of the Parties to the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm conventions. Recordings and presentations are available for download.

Briefing on the outcomes of the face-to-face segment of the COP.16 to the Basel Convention, the COP.11 to the Rotterdam Convention and the COP.11 to the Stockholm Convention

Briefing on the outcomes of the face-to-face segment of the COP.16 to the Basel Convention, the COP.11 to the Rotterdam Convention and the COP.11 to the Stockholm Convention
The global governance of plastics and associated chemicals report is now available
The recently launched report on the Global governance of plastics and associated chemicals provides the first comprehensive mapping of the existing global governance landscape for plastics and associated chemicals. The mapping includes both binding and voluntary measures adopted at the global level...

The global governance of plastics and associated chemicals report is now available

The global governance of plastics and associated chemicals report is now available
FAO strongly supports the global environmental agenda at the 11th meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Rotterdam Convention
Representatives of the Parties to the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions (BRS Conventions) met in Geneva, Switzerland from 1 to 12 May 2023, to take legally binding action regarding the impact of hazardous chemicals and wastes on human health and the environment.

FAO strongly supports the global environmental agenda at the 11th meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Rotterdam Convention

FAO strongly supports the global environmental agenda at the 11th meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Rotterdam Convention
Join a side event during the 2023 meetings of the BRS COPs!
The schedule for the side events planned during the meetings of the 2023 meetings of the Conferences of the Parties to the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions is now available on the side events webpage. The schedule includes clickable links to side events allowing online attendees.

Join a side event during the 2023 meetings of the BRS COPs!

Join a side event during the 2023 meetings of the BRS COPs!
Register now and join our webinar session on 26 April 2023 on Dechlorane Plus and UV-328 proposed for listing in Annex A to the Stockholm Convention
The Conference of the Parties to the Stockholm Convention (COP-11) will consider, among other things, the recommendations of the POPs Review Committee on the listing of three new chemicals in Annex A to the Convention: Dechlorane Plus; UV-328; methoxychlor. To exchange information about the chemical...

Register now and join our webinar session on 26 April 2023 on Dechlorane Plus and UV-328 proposed for listing in Annex A to the Stockholm Convention

Register now and join our webinar session on 26 April 2023 on Dechlorane Plus and UV-328 proposed for listing in Annex A to the Stockholm Convention
Representatives for the Eastern European Region met in Zagreb, Croatia in the lead to the 2023 BRS COPs
The Eastern Europe regional preparatory meeting for the 2023 meetings of the conferences of the Parties to the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm conventions took place from 28 to 30 March 2023 in Zagreb, Croatia. The meeting which was hosted by the Government of Croatia and organized in cooperation wit...

Representatives for the Eastern European Region met in Zagreb, Croatia in the lead to the 2023 BRS COPs

Representatives for the Eastern European Region met in Zagreb, Croatia in the lead to the 2023 BRS COPs
Latin American and Caribbean delegates meet in Panama-City in the lead to the 2023 BRS COPs
On Tuesday 28 March 2023 participants attending the Latin America and Caribbean Regional Preparatory meeting for the 2023 meetings of the Conferences of the Parties to the Basel Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions were welcomed to Panama-City by Dr. Luis Francisco Sucre, Minister of Health of Panama...

Latin American and Caribbean delegates meet in Panama-City in the lead to the 2023 BRS COPs

Latin American and Caribbean delegates meet in Panama-City in the lead to the 2023 BRS COPs
Journalists and communicators, signed up for the 2023 BRS COPs briefing session for the media
The Secretariat of the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm conventions organised a briefing session for the media to inform members of the press and communication specialists on the upcoming meetings of the Conferences of the Parties to the Conventions (BRS COPs). The session took place on 03 April 2023 ...

Journalists and communicators, signed up for the 2023 BRS COPs briefing session for the media

Journalists and communicators, signed up for the 2023 BRS COPs briefing session for the media
Regional preparations for the 2023 BRS COPs continue to move ahead
Delegates from the Africa region met from 21 to 23 March 2023 in Dakar, Senegal during the regional preparatory meeting for the 2023 BRS COPs. The meeting provided an opportunity for Parties in the region to consult each other in advance of the COPs and facilitate the preparation of regional positi...

Regional preparations for the 2023 BRS COPs continue to move ahead

Regional preparations for the 2023 BRS COPs continue to move ahead
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