News Features


Exciting new learning platform launched for home-schooling children!
The BRS Secretariat is proud to partner with UNEP on the new Earth School Adventures, launched on 22 April, bringing environmental education into the homes of millions of home-schooling children, including a component on plastics (from 13 May).

Exciting new learning platform launched for home-schooling children!

Exciting new learning platform launched for home-schooling children!
Watch: BRS Executive Secretary and colleagues on COVID19 and the sound management of chemicals and waste
Recording available of the BRS briefing of 30 April, which covered COVID19 impacts and responses, and arrangements for the forthcoming Basel Convention OEWG meeting in June, with thanks to the Geneva Environment Network.

Watch: BRS Executive Secretary and colleagues on COVID19 and the sound management of chemicals and waste

Watch: BRS Executive Secretary and colleagues on COVID19 and the sound management of chemicals and waste
New Small Grant Programme launched to improve plastic waste management at municipal, national and regional levels
The BRS Secretariat is pleased to announce, thanks to generous funding from Norway, the opening of the new Small Grant Programme on Plastic Waste, open to applications from Basel and Stockholm Convention regional centres until 15 July 2020.

New Small Grant Programme launched to improve plastic waste management at municipal, national and regional levels

New Small Grant Programme launched to improve plastic waste management at municipal, national and regional levels
Opportunities published for supporting global work towards the sound management of chemicals & waste
Now available online: Overview of concept notes for voluntary contributions for implementing the Basel, Rotterdam, and Stockholm conventions, as approved by COPs in 2019.

Opportunities published for supporting global work towards the sound management of chemicals & waste

Opportunities published for supporting global work towards the sound management of chemicals & waste
Save the date:  Dates and venue for the 2021 BRS COPs
The Basel Convention’s COP-15, the Rotterdam Convention’s COP-10 and the Stockholm Convention’s COP-10 will be held back-to-back in Geneva, Switzerland, from 19 to 30 July 2021.

Save the date: Dates and venue for the 2021 BRS COPs

Save the date:  Dates and venue for the 2021 BRS COPs
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