RCs Meeting - 2015 (with CRM)


The Secretariat of the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions.

Meeting Objectives

  • Discuss the strategy for strengthening and sustainability of the Basel and Stockholm conventions regional centres, including raising the visibility of the regional centres;
  • Discuss the importance of sound management of chemicals, chemicals legislation and cooperation with the Swedish Chemicals Agency (KemI), Sweden
  • Brainstorm on, and collect feedback on the clearing-house mechanism (CHM) draft strategy

Target Audience

Directors of the Regional Centres under the Basel and Stockholm conventions


More than 35 participants from 22 centres attended the meeting, as well as partners from UNEP Chemicals, the Minamata Secretariat, UNEP/OCHA and KemI, the Swedish Chemicals Agency. The very interactive format of the meeting allowed for a productive exchange of many ideas for both the general strategy for regional centres (i.e. how to enhance their technical capacity, visibility and resource mobilization skills) and for their interface with the clearing house mechanism.

Meeting Documents


Items: 22Load time table: 1372.8245 msec
Agenda42.82 K
Report21.73 K
Programme64.96 K
List of participants35.94 K
Objectives and structure of the meeting155.1 K
Decisions by BC COP12 and SC COP7 related to the Regional Centres258.76 K
Environmental Emergencies4.79 MB
From Science to Action250.85 K
Strengthening and enhancing performance and sustainability of the regional centres270.46 K
Strengthened UNEP strategic regional presence contributing to the Future we want 642.5 K
Communications strategy 2015-2017 for the secretariat of the Basel, Rotterdam, and Stockholm conventions 912 K
Road map for the Basel and Stockholm Convention Regional Centres 2015-201924.65 K
Strategy for the strengthening and enhancing the performance of the regional centres under the Basel and Stockholm conventions28.38 K
The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and Official development assistance1 MB
Strengthening fundraising776.69 K
Project ideas Template21.84 K
Swedish Chemicals Management Cooperation Activities2.43 MB
Why chemicals control is necessary & possibilities it may bring to countries 4.37 MB
Regional Center Meeting Working Group 1 32 K
BRS Conventions Regional Centres Annual Meeting 2015 Kemi group activity – Working group 4 Regional centres: Trinidad & Tobago, Uruguay, Sprep, Spain, India and Russia 119.01 K
Joint Clearing-house Mechanism for information exchange and its draft strategy 382.78 K
Presentation of the Guidance document to facilitate the implementation of the joint Clearing-House Mechanism at the national and regional levels 310.91 K

Documents for agenda item 6 on the clearing-house mechanism


Items: 4Files: 6
Clearing-house mechanism for information exchange - Opportunities for Regional Centres to participate in the clearing-house mechanism and provision of feedback on the joint clearing-house mechanism draft strategy253.42 K
Regional Centres 2015 annual meeting - Agenda item 6 on clearing-house mechanism for information exchange - Working groups activities14.73 K
Draft guidance document for parties and other stakeholders to facilitate the implementation of the joint clearing-house mechanism at the national and regional levels984.5 K735.14 K
Draft strategy for further development and operation of the joint clearing-house mechanism for the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm conventions (joint document)1021 K237.88 K

Photo Gallery

Visit our flickr page to view all pictures from the Annual Meeting of the Regional Centers.