Overview of contributions for the implementation of the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm, including synergies for the bienium 2014-2015

The Secretariat is making available an overview of contributions to the Technical Cooperation Trust Fund of the Basel Convention (BD) and the Special Voluntary Trust Funds of the Rotterdam and Stockholm conventions (RV, SV) for the implementation of the Programmes of Work (PoW) of the three conventions, as approved by their respective conferences of the Parties.


The table contains information on received contributions for activities under the three conventions, including synergies, as well as possible funding gaps in case no or partial funding has been received for the implementation of PoW activities.

For each activity that has received partial or no funding as of to date, the Secretariat has developed concept notes containing a brief outline of the activities to be undertaken under the respective PoW and their indicative budgets.

Donors who are interested in contributing to the trust funds of the three conventions are invited to download relevant concept notes.

The Secretariat will be pleased to engage, if appropriate, in developing full-fledged project proposals for the respective activities.

All resource mobilization-related information, including the concept notes, will be updated on a regular basis.

Please contact the Resource Mobilization Focal Point of the Secretariat, Mr Frank Moser, should you need any further information (tel: +41 22 917 8951; fax:+41 22 917 8098; email: frank.moser@brsmeas.org).

Biennium 2014-2015:

The information provided on this page describes the respective concept notes, including their budgets, and funding received for the implementation of PoW activities in the biennium 2014-2015.

Financial resources received (as of 31/03/2015)

Contributions 2014 - 2015

PoW # Description Convention(s) COP approved budget (incl. PSC) Concept notes
General Trust Funds [USD] Voluntary Trust Funds
Title Concept note budget (incl. PSC) [USD] Funding received
(incl. PSC) [USD]
Funding still required (incl. PSC) [USD] File
- Regional meetings (decisions BC-11/20, RC-6/12 and SC-6/25 on venue and date of the next meetings of the COPs) BC, RC, SC - - Regional meetings to prepare for the 2015 meetings of the conferences of the parties to the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm conventions 1,086,497 1,086,497
(EU, Switzerland)
- Download concept note
1 Twelfth meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Basel Convention BC 590,456 927,052 Twelfth meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Basel Convention back-to-back with the meetings of the conferences of the parties to the Rotterdam and Stockholm conventions 927,052 133,368 (EU, Japan, Norway, Poland, Switzerland)

793,684 Download concept note
2 Seventh meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Rotterdam Convention RC 590,456 927,052 Seventh meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Rotterdam Convention back-to-back with the meetings of the conferences of the parties to the Basel and Stockholm conventions 927,052 107,481 (EU, Sweden, Switzerland)
819,571 Download concept note
3 Seventh meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Stockholm Convention SC 590,456 927,052 Seventh meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Stockholm Convention back-to-back with the meetings of the conferences of the parties to the Basel and Rotterdam conventions 927,052 107,481 (EU, Sweden, Switzerland)
819,571 Download concept note
4 Ninth meeting of the Open-ended Working Group to the Basel Convention BC 400,997 616,872 Ninth meeting of the Open-ended Working Group to the Basel Convention 616,872 383,124
(Denmark, Japan, Finland, Germany, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland)



233,748 Download concept note
6 Tenth and eleventh meetings of the Persistent Organic Pollutants Review Committee SC 1,035,751 115,138 Tenth and eleventh meetings of the Persistent Organic Pollutants Review Committee 115,138 16,677



98,461 Download concept note
10 Meeting of the Basel Convention Implementation and Compliance Committee BC 44,686 15,577 Meeting of the Basel Convention Implementation and Compliance Committee 15,577 30,000 (Japan)

Download concept note
11 Orientation workshop for members of the Chemical Review Committee (CRC) RC - 65,698 Orientation workshop for members of the Chemical Review Committee 65,698 85,459
(EU, Norway)
- Download concept note
12 (S6) Support the work of and coordination between the scientific bodies of the conventions BC, RC, SC - 22,600 Support the work of and coordination between the scientific bodies of the conventions 22,600 -
22,600 Download concept note
13 (S1) Tools and methodologies for training and capacity building BC, RC, SC 158,200 1,623,810 Development of tools and methodologies for the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions (general overview) (see concept notes below) - * Download concept note
1. Integrated assessment of technical assistance needs for the three Conventions 50,217 * 22,955 (EU)
27,222 Download concept note
2. Development of an integrated resource kit for the three conventions 211,852 * 211,852 Download concept note
3. Multimedia and electronic tools 1,622,951 * 196,289 (EU)
1,426,662 Download concept note
 4. Tools and methodologies: webinars for training and capacity-building 537,699 * 537,699 Download concept note
14 Training and capacity building activities to enhance the implementation of the Basel Convention at the regional and national levels. BC - 1,192,150 Training and capacity building activities to enhance the implementation of the Basel Convention at the regional and national levels (General Overview) (see concept notes below) *
Download concept note
1.Provide support to parties in follow up to the country-led initiative on addressing the entry into force of the Ban Amendment 328,072 * 512,998 (EU)
- Download concept note
2.Support to Parties in relation to E-wastes  189,423  * 189,423 Download concept note
3. Supporting Parties in the implementation of the Strategic Framework and the Indonesian-Swiss country-led initiative (CLI)  659,535 473,991 (Japan, Norway)
Download concept note
4. Environmentally sound dismantling of ships  158,988 * 158,988 Download concept note
15 Training and capacity building activities to enhance the implementation of the Rotterdam Convention at the regional and national levels. RC - 3,199,030 Training and capacity-building activities to enhance the implementation of the Rotterdam Convention at the national and regional levels (general overview) (see concept notes below) * - Download concept note
1. Strengthening national capacities related to notifications of severely hazardous pesticide formulations (SHPF) 605,951  * 171,842 (EU)
434,109 Download concept note
2. Strengthening national capacities for hazard and risk assessments of priority chemicals (pesticides and industrial) so that Parties can make decisions related to notifications of final regulatory actions 211,867  * 211,867 Download concept note
3. Development of capacity to carry out scientific hazard and risk assessments on industrial chemicals and make informed decisions whether to ban or severely restrict specific industrial chemicals 290,967  * 290,967 Download concept note
4. National Action Plan (NAP) development workshops on the implementation of the Rotterdam Convention  and follow up 290,967  * 290,967 Download concept note
5. Assisting parties on export notification and trade of chemicals banned or severely restricted by exporting Parties 257,067  * 257,067 Download concept note
6. Strengthening of capacity for information exchange and coordination at national level 67,934  * 67,934 Download concept note
7. Import responses for chemicals newly listed in Annex III 504,251  * 504,251  Download concept note
8. Facilitation of the development and implementation of projects and activities in the priority areas on requests from Parties and in cooperation with regional centers and FAO regional offices 38,420   38,420  Download concept note
9. Development of capacity to implement the Rotterdam Convention and follow-up activities 639,850 * 356,699 (EU)
Download concept note
16 Training and capacity building activities to enhance the implementation of the Stockholm Convention at the regional and national levels. SC - 1,534,540 Training and capacity-building activities to enhance the implementation of the Stockholm Convention at the regional level (general overview) (see concept notes below) - * Download concept note
1. Development, review and update of Implementation Plans and strategies 435,018 * 190,448 (Norway)
244,570 Download concept note
2. Training and capacity-building activities on BDEs and PFOS in products and articles including aspects on acceptable purposes and specific exemptions 268,920 * 268,920 Download concept note
3. DDT: Assessment of Continued Need and capacity building for parties to report 94,913 *,*** 94,913 Download concept note
4. Training and capacity-building activities on unintentional POPs 292,647 *
292,647 Download concept note
5. Training and capacity-building activities to enhance the implementation of the Stockholm Convention at the regional level 135,600 157.425 (Norway)
- Download concept note
6. Training and capacity-building activities to enhance the implementation of the Stockholm Convention– (other training activities) 135,600 29,748 (Germany)
108,852 Download concept note
7. Lindane: Capacity building and scientific activities 92,095 * 92,095 Download concept note
8. Endosulfan: Capacity building and scientific activities 219,220
219,220 Download concept note
17 (S2/S3) Training and capacity building activities to enhance the implementation of the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm conventions at the regional and national levels. BC, RC, SC - 2,345,880 Training and capacity-building activities to enhance the implementation of the Basel, Rotterdam, Stockholm conventions at the regional and national levels (general overview) (see concept notes below) - * Download concept note
1. Strengthening national coordination  for the implementation of the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions 1,127,135 * 128,899 (Switzerland)
998,136 Download concept note
2. Training in specific chemicals covered by the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions 830,812 *,**** 830,812 Download concept note
3. Trade and customs related aspects in the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm conventions 323,451 *,**** 323,451
Download concept note
4. Promoting an integrated approach to pesticides and chemicals management under the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions 307,349  * 11,238 (Japan)
Download concept note
18 (S4) Partnerships for technical assistance BC, RC, SC 53,110 1,175,200 1. Partnerships for technical assistance 676,376 * 676,376 Download concept note
2. Partnership for Action on Computing Equipment (PACE) 584,210 29,000 (Others1)
555,210 Download concept note
19 (S8/9) Coordination of and support to the Basel and Stockholm Conventions regional centres and Cooperation and coordination between regional centres BC, RC, SC 215,322 552,344 Coordination of and support to the Basel and Stockholm Conventions regional centres and cooperation and coordination between regional centres 552,344 111,747 (Norway)
440,597 Download concept note
20 (S7) Scientific support to Parties of the Basel Convention BC 79,100 429,400 Collection and analysis of information on the implications of issues referred to in paragraph 26(b) of the draft technical guidelines on TBM e-waste 33,900 ** 55,000 (Japan)
Download concept note
21 Scientific support to Parties of the Rotterdam Convention RC 67,800 35,030 Support and facilitation to the submission of notifications with a view to help countries increase the number of their notifications 35,030 117,510 (EU)
- Download concept note
22 Scientific support to Parties of the Stockholm Convention SC 102,830 369,510 1. Support Parties in introduction of alternatives to Endosulfan 72,320 *,**** 72,320 Download concept note
2. Assessment of continued need for Lindane 96,615 *,**** 28,882 (Sweden)
67,733 Download concept note
3. DDT: Assistance for parties to make environmentally sound evidence-based decisions in disease vector control and facilitate assessment of the continued need 245,204 *,***
226,804 (France, Japan, Others2)
18,400 Download concept note
4. Developing a process for evaluation of need for exemptions 22,600 -
22,600 Download concept note
5. Scientific and technical work of POPRC 67,800 30,325
37,475 Download concept note
6. Support parties developing national programme on industrial POPs 62,150 113,486 (EU, Norway)
Download concept note
7. Support parties to develop and implement national programme on unintentionally produced POPs 235,040 * 169,836
(Germany; Norway)


65,204 Download concept note
23 Effectiveness evaluation and the Global Monitoring Plan SC 135,600 587,600 Supporting implementation of the second phase of Global
monitoring plan for effectiveness evaluation
806,820 * 595,503 (EU, Japan) 211,317 Download concept note
24 (S15) National reporting BC, SC 45,200 162,720 National reporting under BC, SC and joint activities 162,720 175,110 (Germany, Japan, Norway)

Download concept note
27 (S12/S13) Joint communication, outreach and public awareness BC, RC, SC - 201,931 1. Outreach for BRS and branded visual identify at 2015 COPs 90,400 212,089 (Finland)
- Download concept note
2. Joint media workshop 49,155 -
49,155 Download concept note
3. Goodwill ambassadorship programme 48,590 -
48,590 Download concept note
4. Social media 13,786 -
13,786 Download concept note
29 (S19) International cooperation and coordination BC, RC, SC - 101,700 Development of an assessment of how far the Basel Convention technical guidelines cover MARPOL wastes and of a guidance manual on how to improve the sea-land interface to ensure that MARPOL wastes, once offloaded a ship, are managed in an environmentally sound manner 101,700 130,327 (Japan, Norway)
- Download concept note
Support of activities on international cooperation and coordination
 -  33,769 (Switzerland)
 -  -
Resource mobilization
 BC, RC, SC  - 6,000
 Support of resource mobilization
 -  33,769 (Switzerland)  -  -
32 Legal and policy activities specific to the Basel Convention BC - 327,700 1. Work programme of the Implementation and Compliance Committee 249,169 * 165,641   (EU & Norway)
83,528 Download concept note
2. Implementation fund 113,000 139,632 (Norway, Switzerland)
- Download concept note
3. Strategic Framework for the implementation of the Basel Convention 2012-2021 83,217 * 83,217 Download concept note
4. Translation of information notified pursuant to Articles 3 (national definitions), 4(1) (import prohibitions) and 13 (2) (transmission of information) 127,773 * 20,000 (Japan)
107,773 Download concept note
33 (S20) Legal and policy activities under the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions. National legislation, illegal traffic and trade, and enforcement under the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions BC, RC, SC - 259,900 National legislation, illegal traffic and trade, and enforcement under the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions 259,900 10,000 (Japan)
249,900 Download concept note
34 Coordinate and provide support to Parties in follow up to the country led initiative on Environmentally Sound Management (ESM) and further legal clarity BC - 429,400 1. Follow-up to the Indonesian-Swiss country-led initiative to improve the effectiveness of the Basel Convention – Developing guidelines for environmentally sound management 472,508 * 440,940   (EU,Japan, Switzerland)
31,568 Download concept note
2. Follow-up to the Indonesian-Swiss country-led initiative to improve the effectiveness of the Basel Convention – Providing further legal clarity 196,126 * 77,208 (Norway)
118,918 Download concept note
Total 4,108,833 18,144,886   21,090,762 7,119,337 14,624,153  

* the budget of the concept note includes an allocation for staff costs (voluntary trust funds)

** the budget of the concept note is lower than the COP-approved budget, since the majority of the work is undertaken and funded by several lead countries and organizations

*** budget reflects both PoW activities 16 and 22

**** budget reflects both PoW activities 17 and 22

1 Basel Action Network (BAN), Boliden Mineral, Close-the-Gap, Institute of Environment and Resource (IER), Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries (ISRI), Information Technology Industry Council (ITIC), TES-AMM Group

 2 Biovision Foundation