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Organization of the Secretariats

2011 proposal for the organization of the secretariats 

By decisions BC-10/29RC-5/12 and SC-5/27, the Conferences of the Parties to the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm conventions respectively requested the Executive Secretary, by 31 December 2011 and in consultation with the parties to the conventions through the bureaux, to prepare a proposal for the organization of the secretariats of the three conventions, including staffing levels, numbers and structure, to be implemented by 31 December 2012.

The proposed structure was put into effect on 18 February 2012 and endorsed by the 2013 meetings of the conferences of the parties. Further information on the current structure of the Secretariat can be found on the Overview page and the page on Functional Organigram.

The Executive Secretary’s proposal for the organization of the secretariats of the three conventions is available for downloading in Word or PDF.

The Responses to comments submitted on the Executive Secretary’s proposal for the organization of the secretariat are available for downloading in Word or PDF.

Comments from parties and observers on the Executive Secretary’s proposal


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Findings of the sub-groups set up under the secretariat Task Force on Restructuring

In July 2011, the Executive Secretary of the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm conventions set up a Task Force on Restructuring within the Secretariat of the three conventions to undertake the analytical work required in order to support decision-making relating to the restructuring of the Secretariat. The Task Force has developed an operations analysis of all functions and processes of the secretariat and a functional organigramme for the future secretariat, which were used as a basis for the functional organigramme of the future secretariat.

The operations analysis from the Task Force on Restructuring is available in draft form as a companion document titled "Findings of the sub-groups set up under the secretariat task force on restructuring" for downloading in PDF.


  • Synergies Decisions (BC)
  • Synergies Decisions (RC)
  • Synergies Decisions (SC)
  • ExCOPs Decisions