Highlights from case studies in Kenya and Tunisia

The case study "Gender, Chemicals and Waste" was carried out in Kenya and Tunisia between January and June 2022 on behalf of the BRS Conventions Secretariat.

The case study sought to answer three key questions:

  • How is women and men’s health impacted differently by hazardous chemicals and waste?
  • How do women and men’s occupations and roles at home and at work influence their exposure to hazardous chemicals and waste?
  • What best practices with women and men’s leadership exist to substitute and eliminate hazardous chemicals and waste?

The study was carried out by the independent organisations Women Engage for a Common Future (WECF) International, Centre Environmental Justice and Development (CEJAD), Kenya and L'Association de l'Éducation Environnementale pour les Futures Générations (AEEFG), Tunisia with the support of experts from NEXUS-3 foundation.

During the field visits in Kenya and Tunisia, leading scientists were visited and interviewed, as well as local and national authorities responsible for chemicals and waste, and UN representatives working in the country. Interview questions were prepared based on the desk research carried out in advance of the scoping visit by WECF and experts. Multi-stakeholder dialogue meetings were organized in Nairobi and Tunis with key experts and stakeholders from national and local governmental institutions, agencies, science and representatives of women and environmental organisations. Participants shared the latest research and developments in the area of chemicals, waste and the implementation of the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm (BRS) and Minamata Conventions.

The field visits and interviews allowed to identify the gender dimensions of chemical and waste hotspots, as well as good practices in the area of waste separation, reuse, recycling of organic, plastic and e-waste, as well as reduction of pesticides and use of alternatives to pesticides and production of fuel and fibres from agricultural waste.

The publication presents the results and analysis of the scoping study and is divided into five sections: chapter 1 on the gender equality situation, chapter 2 on issues of concern regarding the BRS and Minamata conventions, chapter 3 on good practices identified and chapter 6 on conclusions and recommendations.

In addition to the written report, presented in the publication, a video-documentary was made and is available below.

Documentary film: Tackling Toxics


Full documentary