- |
Regional meetings (decisions BC-11/20, RC-6/12 and SC-6/25 on venue and date of the next meetings of the COPs) |
BC, RC, SC |
- |
- |
Regional meetings to prepare for the 2015 meetings of the conferences of the parties to the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm conventions |
1,086,497 |
(EU, Switzerland)
- |
1 |
Twelfth meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Basel Convention |
BC |
590,456 |
927,052 |
Twelfth meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Basel Convention back-to-back with the meetings of the conferences of the parties to the Rotterdam and Stockholm conventions |
927,052 |
133,368 (EU, Japan, Norway, Poland, Switzerland)
793,684 |
2 |
Seventh meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Rotterdam Convention |
RC |
590,456 |
927,052 |
Seventh meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Rotterdam Convention back-to-back with the meetings of the conferences of the parties to the Basel and Stockholm conventions |
927,052 |
107,481 (EU, Sweden, Switzerland)
819,571 |
3 |
Seventh meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Stockholm Convention |
SC |
590,456 |
927,052 |
Seventh meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Stockholm Convention back-to-back with the meetings of the conferences of the parties to the Basel and Rotterdam conventions |
927,052 |
107,481 (EU, Sweden, Switzerland)
819,571 |
4 |
Ninth meeting of the Open-ended Working Group to the Basel Convention |
BC |
400,997 |
616,872 |
Ninth meeting of the Open-ended Working Group to the Basel Convention |
616,872 |
(Denmark, Japan, Finland, Germany, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland)
233,748 |
6 |
Tenth and eleventh meetings of the Persistent Organic Pollutants Review Committee |
SC |
1,035,751 |
115,138 |
Tenth and eleventh meetings of the Persistent Organic Pollutants Review Committee |
115,138 |
98,461 |
10 |
Meeting of the Basel Convention Implementation and Compliance Committee |
BC |
44,686 |
15,577 |
Meeting of the Basel Convention Implementation and Compliance Committee |
15,577 |
30,000 (Japan)
11 |
Orientation workshop for members of the Chemical Review Committee (CRC) |
RC |
- |
65,698 |
Orientation workshop for members of the Chemical Review Committee |
65,698 |
(EU, Norway)
- |
12 (S6) |
Support the work of and coordination between the scientific bodies of the conventions |
BC, RC, SC |
- |
22,600 |
Support the work of and coordination between the scientific bodies of the conventions |
22,600 |
22,600 |
13 (S1) |
Tools and methodologies for training and capacity building |
BC, RC, SC |
158,200 |
1,623,810 |
Development of tools and methodologies for the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions (general overview) |
(see concept notes below) |
- |
* |
1. Integrated assessment of technical assistance needs for the three Conventions |
50,217 |
* 22,955 (EU)
27,222 |
2. Development of an integrated resource kit for the three conventions |
211,852 |
* |
211,852 |
3. Multimedia and electronic tools |
1,622,951 |
* 196,289 (EU)
1,426,662 |
4. Tools and methodologies: webinars for training and capacity-building |
537,699 |
* |
537,699 |
14 |
Training and capacity building activities to enhance the implementation of the Basel Convention at the regional and national levels. |
BC |
- |
1,192,150 |
Training and capacity building activities to enhance the implementation of the Basel Convention at the regional and national levels (General Overview) |
(see concept notes below) |
1.Provide support to parties in follow up to the country-led initiative on addressing the entry into force of the Ban Amendment |
328,072 |
* 512,998 (EU)
- |

2.Support to Parties in relation to E-wastes |
189,423 |
* |
189,423 |
3. Supporting Parties in the implementation of the Strategic Framework and the Indonesian-Swiss country-led initiative (CLI) |
659,535 |
473,991 (Japan, Norway)
4. Environmentally sound dismantling of ships |
158,988 |
* |
158,988 |
15 |
Training and capacity building activities to enhance the implementation of the Rotterdam Convention at the regional and national levels. |
RC |
- |
3,199,030 |
Training and capacity-building activities to enhance the implementation of the Rotterdam Convention at the national and regional levels (general overview) |
(see concept notes below) |
* |
- |
1. Strengthening national capacities related to notifications of severely hazardous pesticide formulations (SHPF) |
605,951 |
* 171,842 (EU)
434,109 |
2. Strengthening national capacities for hazard and risk assessments of priority chemicals (pesticides and industrial) so that Parties can make decisions related to notifications of final regulatory actions |
211,867 |
* |
211,867 |
3. Development of capacity to carry out scientific hazard and risk assessments on industrial chemicals and make informed decisions whether to ban or severely restrict specific industrial chemicals |
290,967 |
* |
290,967 |
4. National Action Plan (NAP) development workshops on the implementation of the Rotterdam Convention and follow up |
290,967 |
* |
290,967 |
5. Assisting parties on export notification and trade of chemicals banned or severely restricted by exporting Parties |
257,067 |
* |
257,067 |
6. Strengthening of capacity for information exchange and coordination at national level |
67,934 |
* |
67,934 |
7. Import responses for chemicals newly listed in Annex III |
504,251 |
* |
504,251 |
8. Facilitation of the development and implementation of projects and activities in the priority areas on requests from Parties and in cooperation with regional centers and FAO regional offices |
38,420 |
38,420 |
9. Development of capacity to implement the Rotterdam Convention and follow-up activities |
639,850 |
* 356,699 (EU)
16 |
Training and capacity building activities to enhance the implementation of the Stockholm Convention at the regional and national levels. |
SC |
- |
1,534,540 |
Training and capacity-building activities to enhance the implementation of the Stockholm Convention at the regional level (general overview) |
(see concept notes below) |
- |
* |
1. Development, review and update of Implementation Plans and strategies |
435,018 |
* 190,448 (Norway)
244,570 |
2. Training and capacity-building activities on BDEs and PFOS in products and articles including aspects on acceptable purposes and specific exemptions |
268,920 |
* |
268,920 |
3. DDT: Assessment of Continued Need and capacity building for parties to report |
94,913 |
*,*** |
94,913 |
4. Training and capacity-building activities on unintentional POPs |
292,647 |
292,647 |
5. Training and capacity-building activities to enhance the implementation of the Stockholm Convention at the regional level |
135,600 |
157.425 (Norway)
- |
6. Training and capacity-building activities to enhance the implementation of the Stockholm Convention– (other training activities) |
135,600 |
29,748 (Germany)
108,852 |
7. Lindane: Capacity building and scientific activities |
92,095 |
* |
92,095 |
8. Endosulfan: Capacity building and scientific activities |
219,220 |
219,220 |
17 (S2/S3) |
Training and capacity building activities to enhance the implementation of the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm conventions at the regional and national levels. |
BC, RC, SC |
- |
2,345,880 |
Training and capacity-building activities to enhance the implementation of the Basel, Rotterdam, Stockholm conventions at the regional and national levels (general overview) |
(see concept notes below) |
- |
* |
1. Strengthening national coordination for the implementation of the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions |
1,127,135 |
* 128,899 (Switzerland)
998,136 |
2. Training in specific chemicals covered by the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions |
830,812 |
*,**** |
830,812 |
3. Trade and customs related aspects in the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm conventions |
323,451 |
*,**** |
4. Promoting an integrated approach to pesticides and chemicals management under the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions |
307,349 |
* 11,238 (Japan)
18 (S4) |
Partnerships for technical assistance |
BC, RC, SC |
53,110 |
1,175,200 |
1. Partnerships for technical assistance |
676,376 |
* |
676,376 |
2. Partnership for Action on Computing Equipment (PACE) |
584,210 |
29,000 (Others1)
555,210 |
19 (S8/9) |
Coordination of and support to the Basel and Stockholm Conventions regional centres and Cooperation and coordination between regional centres |
BC, RC, SC |
215,322 |
552,344 |
Coordination of and support to the Basel and Stockholm Conventions regional centres and cooperation and coordination between regional centres |
552,344 |
111,747 (Norway)
440,597 |
20 (S7) |
Scientific support to Parties of the Basel Convention |
BC |
79,100 |
429,400 |
Collection and analysis of information on the implications of issues referred to in paragraph 26(b) of the draft technical guidelines on TBM e-waste |
33,900 |
** 55,000 (Japan) |
21 |
Scientific support to Parties of the Rotterdam Convention |
RC |
67,800 |
35,030 |
Support and facilitation to the submission of notifications with a view to help countries increase the number of their notifications |
35,030 |
117,510 (EU)
- |
22 |
Scientific support to Parties of the Stockholm Convention |
SC |
102,830 |
369,510 |
1. Support Parties in introduction of alternatives to Endosulfan |
72,320 |
*,**** |
72,320 |
2. Assessment of continued need for Lindane |
96,615 |
*,**** 28,882 (Sweden)
67,733 |
3. DDT: Assistance for parties to make environmentally sound evidence-based decisions in disease vector control and facilitate assessment of the continued need |
245,204 |
226,804 (France, Japan, Others2)
18,400 |
4. Developing a process for evaluation of need for exemptions |
22,600 |
22,600 |
5. Scientific and technical work of POPRC |
67,800 |
37,475 |
6. Support parties developing national programme on industrial POPs |
62,150 |
113,486 (EU, Norway)
7. Support parties to develop and implement national programme on unintentionally produced POPs |
235,040 |
* 169,836
(Germany; Norway)
65,204 |
23 |
Effectiveness evaluation and the Global Monitoring Plan |
SC |
135,600 |
587,600 |
Supporting implementation of the second phase of Global
monitoring plan for effectiveness evaluation
806,820 |
* 595,503 (EU, Japan) |
211,317 |
24 (S15) |
National reporting |
BC, SC |
45,200 |
162,720 |
National reporting under BC, SC and joint activities |
162,720 |
175,110 (Germany, Japan, Norway)
27 (S12/S13) |
Joint communication, outreach and public awareness |
BC, RC, SC |
- |
201,931 |
1. Outreach for BRS and branded visual identify at 2015 COPs |
90,400 |
212,089 (Finland)
- |
2. Joint media workshop |
49,155 |
49,155 |
3. Goodwill ambassadorship programme |
48,590 |
48,590 |
4. Social media |
13,786 |
13,786 |
29 (S19) |
International cooperation and coordination |
BC, RC, SC |
- |
101,700 |
Development of an assessment of how far the Basel Convention technical guidelines cover MARPOL wastes and of a guidance manual on how to improve the sea-land interface to ensure that MARPOL wastes, once offloaded a ship, are managed in an environmentally sound manner |
101,700 |
130,327 (Japan, Norway)
- |
Support of activities on international cooperation and coordination
- |
33,769 (Switzerland)
- |
- |
Resource mobilization
BC, RC, SC |
- |
Support of resource mobilization
- |
33,769 (Switzerland) |
- |
- |
32 |
Legal and policy activities specific to the Basel Convention |
BC |
- |
327,700 |
1. Work programme of the Implementation and Compliance Committee |
249,169 |
* 165,641 (EU & Norway)
83,528 |
2. Implementation fund |
113,000 |
139,632 (Norway, Switzerland)
- |
3. Strategic Framework for the implementation of the Basel Convention 2012-2021 |
83,217 |
* |
83,217 |
4. Translation of information notified pursuant to Articles 3 (national definitions), 4(1) (import prohibitions) and 13 (2) (transmission of information) |
127,773 |
* 20,000 (Japan)
107,773 |
33 (S20) |
Legal and policy activities under the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions. National legislation, illegal traffic and trade, and enforcement under the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions |
BC, RC, SC |
- |
259,900 |
National legislation, illegal traffic and trade, and enforcement under the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions |
259,900 |
10,000 (Japan)
249,900 |
34 |
Coordinate and provide support to Parties in follow up to the country led initiative on Environmentally Sound Management (ESM) and further legal clarity |
BC |
- |
429,400 |
1. Follow-up to the Indonesian-Swiss country-led initiative to improve the effectiveness of the Basel Convention – Developing guidelines for environmentally sound management |
472,508 |
* 440,940 (EU,Japan, Switzerland)
31,568 |
2. Follow-up to the Indonesian-Swiss country-led initiative to improve the effectiveness of the Basel Convention – Providing further legal clarity |
196,126 |
* 77,208 (Norway)
118,918 |
Total |
4,108,833 |
18,144,886 |
21,090,762 |
7,119,337 |
14,624,153 |