The Secretariat is making available an overview of contributions to the Technical Cooperation Trust Fund of the Basel Convention (BD) and the Special Voluntary Trust Funds of the Rotterdam and Stockholm convention (RV, SV) for the implementation of the Programmes of Work (PoW) of the three conventions, as approved by their respective conferences of the Parties.
The table contains information on received contributions for activities under the three conventions, including synergies, as well as possible funding gaps in case no or partial funding has been received for the implementation of PoW activities.
For each activity that has received partial or no funding as of to date, the Secretariat has developed concept notes containing a brief outline of the activities to be undertaken under the respective PoW and their indicative budgets.
Donors who are interested in contributing to the trust funds of the three conventions are invited to download relevant concept notes.
The Secretariat will be pleased to engage, if appropriate, in developing full-fledged project proposal for the respective activities.
All resource mobilization-related information, including the concept notes, will be updated on a regular basis.
Please contact the Resource Mobilization Focal Point of the Secretariat, Mr Frank Moser, should you need any further information (tel: +41 22 917 8951; email:
The information provided on this page describes funding received in the current or past biennia for the implementation of POW Activities in the biennium 2012-2013.
Financial resource received (as of 16/04/2013)
Basel Convention PoW activities:
Description |
Approved Budget
2012-2013 (BD) [USD] |
Funding Received [USD] |
Donor Countries |
Concept notes |
Title |
File |
1 |
Organize and support of COP-11 |
600,000 |
805,324 |
Denmark, EU, Germany, Japan, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland |
Support for participation of developing countries at COP-11 of the Basel Convention |
2 |
Organize and support OEWG-8 |
550,000 |
139,203 |
Finland, Germany, Norway, Switzerland |
Support for participation of developing countries at OEWG-8 of the Basel Convention |
4 |
Organization of ICC meetings |
16,000 |
17,120 |
EU |
6 |
Implementation of the ICC work programme |
115,000 |
133,145 |
EU |
7 |
Implementation fund |
300,000 |
206,867 |
Japan, Norway, Switzerland |
Basel Convention Implementation Fund |
8 |
Information transmitted by Parties pursuant to Articles 3, 4(1), 11 and 13 (2) |
70,000 |
75,615 |
EU |
11 |
Assist Parties to enforce the Convention and to combat illegal traffic |
209,000 |
217,643 |
EU, Norway, Spain |
12 |
Facilitate and oversee the development of technical guidelines, manuals, and tools on technical aspects of the environmentally sound management of hazardous and other wastes as reflected in the work programme of the OEWG |
35,000 |
72,140 |
Norway |
18 |
Implementation of the Strategic Framework 2012-2021 |
80,000 |
69,837 |
EU |
19 |
EMS and further legal clarity |
400,000 |
732,218 |
EU, Japan, Norway, Switzerland |
20 |
500,000 |
584,982 |
EU, Japan, Norway, Switzerland, Various Private Enterprises |
25 |
National inventories, national e-waste management plans and formulation of e-waste policies |
400,000 |
65,869 |
Japan |
26 |
Implementation of the Nairobi Declaration in Africa |
330,000 |
356,034 |
Canada, EU, Norway, NVMP, UK, Various Private Enterprises |
Support for the EU-Africa Enforcement on E-waste |
27 |
Development of pilot projects on the ESM of e-waste in Latin America and CEITs |
60,000 |
- |
1. Broadening the Scope of the NGO lead Regional Platform on E-Waste from Computers in Latin America and the Caribbean (RELAC) |
2. Awareness-raising and training for countries of Caucasus, Eastern Europe and Central Asia on environmentally sound management of e-waste, monitoring and controlling transboundary movements of e-waste and used equipment, and the prevention of illegal traffic |
29 |
Segregation and treatment of hazardous biomedical and health-care wastes |
10,000 |
- |
Better environmentally sound management of biomedical and health-care wastes in Africa and Eastern Europe |
30 |
ESM of used oils |
10,000 |
- |
31 |
Cost-effective alternative methods to the beaching method of ship dismantling |
650,000 |
738,882 |
EU, Norway, BD Reserve |
32 |
Implementation of Technical Guidelines on the ESM of mercury waste |
1,010,000 |
- |
Option A: Minimization and the environmentally sound management of mercury containing waste affecting most exposed populations in various economic sectors in all regions in the context of the implementation of the Basel Convention |
Option B: Minimization and the environmentally sound management of mercury containing lamps in the context of the implementation of the Basel Convention guidelines for the environmentally sound management of wastes consisting of elemental mercury and wastes containing or contaminated with mercury |
33 |
Implementation of Basel Convention related tools to strengthen the legal system |
2,000,000 |
130,000 |
Switzerland |
Support for implementation of the component A of the Indonesian-Swiss country-led initiative to improve the effectiveness of the Basel Convention |
Second global workshop on the facilitation of the entry into force of the Ban Amendment, San Salvador, El Salvador, 12-13 February 2013 |
Support for implementation of the selected components of the Indonesian-Swiss country-led initiative to improve the effectiveness of the Basel Convention and for enhancing national legislation, enforcement of the Convention and efforts to combat illegal traffic |
38 |
Entry of data and information into the reporting database |
90,000 |
- |
Electronic Publication on National Reporting Data Analysis for the years 2007 to 2010 |
39 |
Enhancing Parties' ability to comply with the national reporting obligations to BC. |
200,000 |
85,891 |
EU, Norway |
45 |
Organization of NGO workshop at COP-11 |
50,000 |
- |
47 |
Enhancing cooperation and coordination with other MEAs and IGOs on issues of common concern |
70,000 |
- |
Assessment and guidance manual related to wastes generated on board ships and their ESM, once offloaded, in cooperation with IMO |
Total |
7,755,000 |
4,430,770 |
Rotterdam Convention PoW activities:
Description |
Approved Budget
2012-2013 (BD) [USD] |
Funding Received [USD] |
Donor Countries |
Concept notes |
Title |
File |
1 |
Organize and support of COP-6 |
500,000 |
412,723 |
Austria, EU, Finland, Germany, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland |
Support for participation of developing countries at COP-6 of the Rotterdam Convention |
5 |
Review of resource kit, preparation of new materials and update of key publications |
95,000 |
21,432 |
EU |
12 |
Development of electronic tools |
190,000 |
31,920 |
EU |
14 |
Strengthening of national capacities related to SHPFs |
480,000 |
200,000 |
EU |
Strengthen national capacities related to severely hazardous pesticide formulations, including by facilitating pilot projects |
15 |
Development of programmes and provision of training to assist Parties with specific issues upon their request |
150,000 |
128,393 |
EU |
16 |
Prepare notifications of final regulatory action to strengthen countries’ capacities to prepare and submit notifications. |
172,000 |
1,442 |
Netherlands |
17 |
Customs training activities |
200,000 |
18 |
Orientation workshop for effective participation in the work of CRC |
50,000 |
50,668 |
EU |
22 |
Industrial chemicals programme |
312,500 |
20,000 |
EU |
23 |
Identification of technical experts from the regions to collaborate in the delivery of technical assistance activities |
50,000 |
24 |
Integration of appropriate RC specific components in individual field projects of the FAO pesticide management programme |
251,000 |
- |
Co-operation with FAO Pesticide Management Field Programme |
26 |
Public awareness meetings and outreach activities |
100,000 |
12,000 |
Netherlands, USA |
27 |
Development and implementation of a communication strategy |
60,000 |
- |
33 |
Translation of the RC website into French and Spanish |
50,000 |
- |
Total |
2,660,500 |
878,578 |
Stockholm Convention PoW activities:
Description |
Approved Budget
2012-2013 (SV) [USD] |
Funding Received [USD] |
Donor Countries |
Concept notes |
Title |
File |
1 |
Organize and support of COP-6 |
600,000 |
432,883 |
Austria, EU, Finland, Germany, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland |
Support for participation of developing countries at COP-6 of the Stockholm Convention |
3 |
Organization and support of POPRC-8 and POPRC-9 |
80,000 |
34,011 |
Norway |
9 |
Development and implementation of a programme to facilitate and improve access to financial support and technical assistance |
110,000 |
- |
Financial assistance facilitation: develop and implement a programme to facilitate and improve access to financial support and technical assistance to assist developing country parties and parties with economies in transition to undertake activities and build the capacity required to meet their obligations under the Convention (2012) |
Financial assistance facilitation: develop and implement a programme to facilitate and improve access to financial support and technical assistance to assist developing country parties and parties with economies in transition to undertake activities and build the capacity required to meet their obligations under the Convention (2013) |
12 |
Development and implementation of a technical assistance programme |
1,190,000 |
- |
Technical assistance programme including Secretariat activities aimed at the provision of technical assistance to parties and seek the involvement of appropriate partners and stakeholders including delivery of capacity building programmes (2012) |
Technical assistance programme including Secretariat activities aimed at the provision of technical assistance to parties and seek the involvement of appropriate partners and stakeholders including delivery of capacity building programmes (2013) |
24 |
Update of the POPs GMP guidance document |
145,000 |
14,690 |
Sweden |
25 |
POPs GMP: support for air monitoring activities in Africa and LAC, 2nd milk survey, regional cooperation and global coordination |
920,000 |
753,460 |
EU, Norway |
Supporting participation of developing countries in the Global Monitoring Plan for POPs, including monitoring of the newly listed substances |
27 |
Further development of the electronic reporting system for Article 15 |
30,000 |
- |
Update of the Stockholm Convention electronic reporting system |
28 |
Pesticides, including DDT alternatives |
565,000 |
46,949 |
Germany, Switzerland |
1. Assessment of continued need for DDT |
2. Sound management of DDT for disease vector control |
3. Implementation of specific exemptions for the use of lindane as a pharmaceutical towards its elimination |
29 |
Activities towards 2025–2028 goals for PCB elimination |
715,000 |
- |
30 |
Unintentionally produced POPs: guidance on minimizing releases, including guidance on BAT/BEP |
155,000 |
80,004 |
EU |
32 |
POPs-free products programme |
60,000 |
136,511 |
Germany, Norway |
33 |
Supporting parties in reviewing and updating NIPs for POPs listed at COP-4 and COP-5 |
805,000 |
523,188 |
EU, Norway |
34 |
Reporting and registering of endosulfan and updating of the national reporting format |
170,000 |
30,667 |
EU |
Reporting endosulfan |
35 |
Implementation of work-programme on new POPs |
180,000 |
79,333 |
EU |
Preliminary assessment of bromodiphenyl ethers in vehicles and furniture imported into Africa |
40 |
Provide overall management of the Secretariat |
60,000 |
- |
Total |
5,785,500 |
2,131,696 |
Synergy activities PoW activities:
Description |
Approved Budget
2012-2013 (BD, RV, SV) [USD] |
Funding Received [USD] |
Donor Countries |
Concept notes |
Title |
File |
S1 |
Development of a toolkit and electronic training tools and upgrade of existing ones. |
630,000 |
25,011 |
Switzerland |
Development of electronic tools for the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions |
Update of the Rotterdam Convention Resource Kit |
Preparation of broadcast animations to enhance understanding and ultimately implementation of the Basel and Stockholm Conventions |
Preparation of a broadcast animation to enhance understanding of the synergies process and its relevance for the implementation of the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Convention |
S2 |
Capacity- building programmes: develop and deliver training programmes based on needs identified at regional level regarding resource mobilization |
670,000 |
- |
Technical assistance programme including Secretariat activities aimed at the provision of technical assistance to parties and seek the involvement of appropriate partners and stakeholders including delivery of capacity building programmes |
Technical assistance programme including Secretariat activities aimed at the provision of technical assistance to parties and seek the involvement of appropriate partners and stakeholders including delivery of capacity building programmes |
S3 |
Synergies capacity building projects for the development of national institutional frameworks for the implementation of the conventions |
1,320,000 |
132,802 |
Germany, Norway |
Strengthening of capacity for information exchange and coordination at national level |
S4 |
Develop strategic partnerships with other multilateral environmental agreements, such as for the management and disposal of ozone-depleting substance, POPs and other hazardous substances. |
400,000 |
123,968 |
Canada, Norway |
Destruction of banks of ozone depleting substances (ODS) and Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) in Central America |
S6 |
Support the work of and coordination between the scientific bodies under the conventions and identify common issues and linkages between conventions. |
130,000 |
69,500 |
EU |
S7 |
Support parties’ implementation of the life-cycle approach to chemical management. |
75,000 |
90,657 |
EU, Norway |
S8 |
Annual joint meetings: FAO and UNEP regional officers, directors/coordinators of the Basel and Stockholm Convention Regional Centres to exchange experience and improve cooperation and co-ordination in implementing elements of technical assistance of the three conventions, enhance coordination on regional strategies and identify opportunities for the development of joint activities. |
200,000 |
170,201 |
EU, Norway |
Enhancing cooperation and coordination among the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm conventions: annual joint meeting in 2012 for cooperation and coordination between regional centres and FAO and UNEP regional offices |
Enhancing cooperation and coordination among the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm conventions: annual joint meeting in 2013 for cooperation and coordination between regional centres and FAO and UNEP regional offices |
S9 |
South-South cooperation: regional centres and FAO and UNEP regional centres addressing specific priority issues in their region related to BRS Conventions. |
100,000 |
- |
S10 |
The development of cross cutting- information packages; the development of a joint clearing-house mechanism and the maintenance and continuation of the development of the conventions' websites. |
255,000 |
- |
Joint Clearing-house Mechanism serving the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm conventions for information exchange |
S11 |
Joint information technology services. |
160,000 |
60,066 |
Switzerland |
Integration of the IT platforms of the three conventions |
S13 |
Joint Outreach and public awareness. |
182,000 |
- |
1. Basel Waste Solutions Circle |
2. Goodwill Ambassadorship |
S15 |
National reporting: Revise the reporting systems of the Basel and Stockholm conventions and identify the possible areas for streamlining. |
190,000 |
- |
Total |
4,312,000 |
672,255 |
High-level segment of the ordinary and extraordinary meetings of the conferences of the parties to the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions:
Description |
Approved Budget
2012-2013 (BD, RV, SV) [USD] |
Funding Received [USD] |
Donor Countries |
Concept notes |
Title |
File |
- |
Organization and support of the high-level segment at the 2013 COPs/ExCOPs. |
- |
238,556 |
Switzerland |
Support for participation of developing countries at the HLS |