In 2022, the Secretariat developed an online training course on “Basic Principles of Chairing and Role of the Chairs of Meetings of the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions”. The course focuses on the basic principles of chairing – covering both practical and procedural aspects - as well as on the role of the chairs. It also provides information on the conduct and management of BRS conventions’ meetings, including key institutions under the conventions and actors at their meetings.
The training course was enhanced in 2023 by incorporating interviews from experienced BRS chairs and negotiators to provide perspectives and best practices of past chairs and BRS delegates, as well as animations to illustrate various processes under the conventions.
Upgraded Training Course on Basic Principles of Chairing and Role of the Chairs of Meetings of the Basel,Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions
(Click the image below to register for the training)
The online training course, including the upgraded version, has been prepared thanks to the generous financial contribution from the Government of Germany and in cooperation with the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) and the United Nations Information Portal on Multilateral Environmental Agreements (InforMEA). The course is freely available on the InforMEA website upon registration to the InforMEA platform.