The project “Creation of Conditions to Prevent Illegal Trade in Prohibited Chemicals in Kyrgyz Republic” is being implemented as part of the project on legal frameworks and international trade control measures under the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions, with generous financial support of the European Union.
The overall goal of the project is to create enabling conditions to prevent the illegal trade of highly hazardous chemicals prohibited for use (in particular DDT). The project will involve activities related to legal measures to implement the Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions; facilitation of compliance and enforcement actions by national authorities; and awareness raising.
DDT is listed in Annex B to the Stockholm Convention with its production and/or use restricted for disease vector control purposes in accordance with related World Health Organization (WHO) recommendations and guidelines.
The project will involve:
- Development and adoption of a regulatory act, providing for the verification of individuals involved in the illegal trade of counterfeit goods/chemicals (in particular DDT) and the procedure for the seizure of these chemicals;
- Carrying out raids to identify the sale ( DDT and others) and their seizure;
- Collection in temporary warehouses and transportation of the seized goods/chemicals that are Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) to the closest repositories of POPs located in the Kyrgyz republic towards environmentally sound disposal;
- Conducting training seminars (awareness raising);
- Conducting explanatory work among traders and the population, awareness raising activities.