DDT is one of the Persistent Organic Pollutant (POP) pesticides regulated by the Stockholm Convention. The Convention allows the use of DDT in public health interventions exclusively for disease vector control as recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO). With the goal of reducing and ultimately eliminating the use of DDT, the Convention requires the Conference of the Parties to encourage each party using DDT to develop and implement an action plan.
Strengthening of in-country decision-making on Integrated Vector Management (IVM) and its effective implementation are key elements of the sustainable solution for reducing reliance on DDT for disease vector control. Sound life-cycle management of DDT within the broader IVM approach builds the foundation for countries to meet the Convention’s objectives.
Organized by
The training workshop is organized in close cooperation with the World Health Organization (WHO), and the International Center for Insect Physiology and Ecology (ICIPE) which serves as the Stockholm Convention Regional Centre in Nairobi. The Governments of France and Germany have kindly provided the funding for the training workshop.
Working language
Objectives of the workshop
The objectives of the workshop are:
- Facilitating the implementation of sound life-cycle management practices for DDT for disease vector control, including consideration of non-chemical products and methods
- Pilot-testing the toolkit for sound lifecycle management of DDT
- Strengthening in-country coordinating mechanisms of all stakeholders for data collection on DDT and information exchange on vector management
- Enhancing Parties’ capacities to use of non-chemical and other sound environmental management practices to enhance the sustainability of reduced reliance on DDT for disease vector control.
Target audience
The workshop will target national officials, who are responsible and/or involved in the implementation of the Stockholm Convention and in national vector control programmes in health sector from selected countries in Africa with special emphasis on countries using or having potential to use DDT. In addition, representatives of regional centres, IGOs and the civil society organizations are welcome to participate in the meeting.
Workshop documents: More information, including the workshop documents will be made available on this page as they become available.
Contact information
For questions regarding the workshop please contact Tatiana Terekhova (Tatiana.Terekhova@brsmeas.org) and Lina Fortelius (Lina.Fortelius@brsmeas.org).