Achieving the objectives of the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm conventions in a coordinated manner requires cooperation with a wide range of partner organizations.
Cooperation and coordination is crucial to ensure legal and institutional consistency, to share experiences in implementation, to build and strengthen countries’ capacities and to foster the reach of the conventions in countries. Partners to the conventions are diverse, such as other multilateral environmental agreements, United Nations bodies, intergovernmental organizations, other global, regional and national entities active in addressing hazardous chemicals and waste issues.
Multilateral environment agreements (MEAs):
The Secretariat regularly exchanges information on legal, enforcement and institutional issues with various MEA secretariats.
United Nations system or other international and regional intergovernmental institutions
The Secretariat works closely with a wide range of UN organizations and other international/ regional intergovernmental institutions to deliver its programmes of work for the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm conventions. Here is a non-exhaustive list of international partner organizations:
The synergies decisions invited partners to cooperate at the national and regional levels to support implementation of the conventions in areas of common concern. At the ordinary meetings of the conferences of the Parties to the three conventions in 2011, a number of international organizations reported on their efforts to promote programmatic cooperation and coordination to support the implementation of the three conventions at the national level.
Other partners include non-governmental organizations, research institutes/academia and the private sector. Find more information on relevant partners to the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm conventions on the respective convention websites.