Information exchange / clearing-house mechanism
The secretariats have undertaken an extensive reconstruction of their clearing-house mechanisms functions and tools, with the aim of integrating them in a joint clearing-house mechanism. Tangible results are new and integrated websites for all three conventions featuring new graphics, documents management capabilities and the migration of content into a common platform.
The joint clearing-house mechanism is central to the cooperation with UNEP’s Division of Environmental Law and Conventions lead management initiative and the United Nations Information Portal on Multilateral Environmental Agreements (InforMEA).
The conferences of the Parties of the three conventions further invited the secretariats to undertake, in 2012-2013, cross-cutting and joint activities relating to clearing-house mechanism for information exchange (S10).
Public awareness, outreach and publications
The secretariats developed a joint common strategy to communication, awareness-raising and outreach, and launched the Safe Planet campaign. Fifty related events held in 14 countries since 2010 included three body burden forums involving international celebrities, art and photographic exhibitions and film screenings.
Under the reorganization of the joint secretariat services, a common system for the development and distribution of information and outreach materials was established. This allowed for the joint delivery of key messages on the three conventions and synergies to Parties, the press and the public.
Publication production has been integrated into joint services of the three secretariats, leading to increased coordination among substantive areas. An example is the publication of success stories on synergies.
The conferences of the Parties of the three conventions further invited the secretariats to undertake in 2012-2013 cross-cutting and joint activities on in particular:
- Joint communication outreach (S12);
- Joint outreach and public awareness (S13); and
- The production and dissemination of legal and technical publications (S14)
Joint input into processes
The three secretariats have jointly engaged with a number of institutions or networks among the following:
- Inter-Organization Programme for the Sound Management of Chemicals, Commission on Sustainable Development; Strategic Approach to International Chemicals Management; Montreal Protocol to the Vienna Convention for the Protection of the Ozone Layer: African Ministerial Conference on the Environment; Special Rapporteur on the adverse effects of the movement and dumping of toxic and dangerous products and wastes on the enjoyment of human rights;
- Relevant UNEP divisions and programmes such as the Division of Environmental Law and Conventions, the Division of Trade, Industry and Economics and the programme on capacity-building related to the implementation of Multilateral Environmental Agreements in African, Caribbean and Pacific countries, relevant FAO programmes, such as the obsolete pesticides programme;
- World Customs Organization, the Green Customs Initiative, Multilateral Environmental Agreements Regional Enforcement Network, International Criminal Police Organization, European Union Network for the Implementation and Enforcement of Environmental Law, International Network for Environmental Compliance and Enforcement;
- Joint representation was ensured during meetings of enforcement-relevant institutions such as the World Customs Organization’s Enforcement Committee, the Green Customs Initiative eighth and ninth Partners’ meetings, the third and fourth workshops of the Multilateral Environmental Agreements Regional Enforcement Network and the meetings of the Pollution Crime Working Group and Environmental Crime Committee of the International Criminal Police Organization (INTERPOL).