Online side events during the online segment of the COPs

Online side events will be held during the online segment of the meetings of the conferences of the Parties to the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm conventions

Side events are a platform for Parties (including subsidiary bodies), and observers to share knowledge, build capacity, network and exchange on experience in the implementation of the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm conventions.

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Schedule of side events of the online segment of the COPs (as of 21 July 2021)

Eleven online side events will be organized from Tuesday 27th July to Thursday 29th July 2021:

  • Celebrating 20 years of the Stockholm Convention: looking into the next 20 years - BRS Secretariat,
    Tuesday, 2.00 to 3.00 p.m.(UTC/GMT+2) - session in English - Recording

    Presenter Title  Download
    BRS Secretariat Celebrating 20 years of the Stockholm Convention: looking into the next 20 years
  • E-waste Basel Convention Amendment Proposal by Ghana and Switzerland - Switzerland & Ghana,
    Tuesday, 2.00 to 3.00 p.m.(UTC/GMT+2) - session in English - Recording

    Presenter Title  Download
    Ghana, Switzerland PIC-Procedure for all e-waste
  • Review of Annexes to the Basel Convention: recommendations for possible amendment proposals to Annex IV, A1180 and B1110 - EWG on RA (Chile & Estonia),
    Tuesday, 4.00 to 5.00 p.m. (UTC/GMT+2) - session in English - Recording

    Presenter Title  Download
    EWG on RA (Expert Working Group on the Review of Annexes to the Basel Convention) The review of Annexes to the Basel Convention: Recommendations for possible amendment proposals
  • Catalyzing solutions for the ESM for waste mobile phones and computing equipment: Follow up Partnership to PACE -
    Working Group Follow up Partnership to PACE
    Wednesday, 2.00 to 3.00 p.m. (UTC/GMT+2) - session in English - Recording

    Presenter Title  Download
    Working Group Follow up Partnership to PACE Catalysing solutions for the ESM for waste mobile phones and computing equipment: Follow up Partnership to PACE
  • Time to ENFORCE: Combatting an illegal traffic of hazardous and other wastes - ENFORCE,
    Wednesday, 2.00 to 3.00 p.m. (UTC/GMT+2) - session in English -  Recording

    Presenter Title  Download
    ENFORCE What is ENFORCE and updates from its members
  • Exploring strategies to boost new POPs prevention. The case of PFAs - SCRC Spain,
    Wednesday, 4.00 to 5.00 p.m. (UTC/GMT+2) - session in English - Recording

    Presenter Title  Download
    Global Science Policy Institute Global PFAS Science Panel Cost of remediating PFAS Contamination
    BCRC Caribbean  Perspectives from the Caribbean Region – Environmentally Sound Management of POPs to Support PFAS Prevention 
    ChemSec  ChemSec & Business: Tools & Approaches for Toxics-free Future 
    Wood Plc.   A POPs Accounting Tool to Support the Development of the Medprogramme (GEF) 
  • Basel Convention Plastic Waste Partnership (PWP) - Bureau of International Recycling & Norway,
    Wednesday, 4.00 to 5.00 p.m. (UTC/GMT+2) - session in English - Recording

    Presenter Title  Download
    Bureau of International Recycling & Norway Delivering through the plastic waste partnership
  • Tracing POPs in the environment - strategic partnerships, knowledge management and capacity building at the global scale - SCRC Czech Republic,
    Wednesday, 6.00 to 7.00 p.m. (UTC/GMT+2) - session in English - Recording

    Presenter Title  Download
    BRS Secretariat Tracing POPs – how far did we get?
    MUNI | RECETOX  Strategic partnerships for POPs monitoring in air: 15+ years of MONET 
    MUNI | RECETOX  Ensuring comparability in global air monitoring: global intercomparison of polyurethane foam passive air samplers 
    MUNI | RECETOX  New global network tracing POPs in water: Aqua MONET first results 
    UNEP  Outcome of the UNEP/GEF POPs GMP-II Projects in the Africa, Asia, Pacific Islands and Latin America and the Caribbean Regions 
    MUNI | RECETOX  Collaboration with Group on Earth Observation – GOS4POPs initiative 
  • Launching of Plastic Innovation Programme of GEF Small Grants Programme, UNDP -
    UNDP GEF Small Grants Programme
    Thursday, 2.00 to 3.00 p.m. (UTC/GMT+2) - session in English - Recording

    Presenter Title  Download
    UNDP Plastic Innovation Program - Action now: Local to global alliance of plastic intelligent communities 
    Mauritius Plastic management and SGP in Mauritius: Perspectives from the government of Mauritius
    UNDP Marine Plastic Pollution: Community Solutions Viet Nam
    Ghana Ghana’s Efforts in Plastic Waste Management
  • Finding alternatives to highly hazardous pesticides - Experiences from African, Caribbean and Pacific countries - FAO,
    Thursday, 2.00 to 3.00 p.m. (UTC/GMT+2) - session in English - Recording

    Presenter Title  Download
    FAO Baseline study on the number and type of highly hazardous pesticides registered in African, Caribbean and Pacific countries
    FAO Phasing out highly hazardous pesticides from agriculture in Mozambique: lessons learned and challenges
    Coordinating Group of Pesticides Control Boards of the Caribbean (CGPC) The quest to phase out HHPS: The Caribbean experience
    Fiji Fiji experience in regulating hazardous pesticides : challenges & opportunities
  • Marine litter and plastic waste story: a landscape and life cycle journey - UNEP, GRID-Arendal & BRS,
    Thursday, 4.00 to 5.30 p.m. (UTC/GMT+2) - session in English - Recording

    Presenter Title  Download
    UNEP; GRID-Arendal Marine litter and plastic waste story: a landscape and life cycle journey
    Chile A transformation in our relationship with plastic


Opportunities to hold online side events are available in the afternoons and evenings of the online segment (except during plenary sessions on Monday 26 and Friday 30 July). Online side events will be 60 minutes in duration and conducted using the Webex platform. Up to two side events may be held in parallel depending on the number of requests received.

Requests for online side events can be made by Parties (including subsidiary bodies) and observers using the present request form and submitted to the Secretariat at Mr. Rohan Unny-Law ( or Ms. Sophie Thirion (

The deadline to apply for an online side event is Friday, 25 June 2021. The Secretariat encourages Parties and observers to submit the request forms as soon as possible.

In order to accommodate as many requests for side events as possible, side event proposals that involve several organizing entities/ partners are particularly encouraged. The Secretariat encourages a balanced gender and geographical representation among the lead speakers / contributors to the event. If more requests for online side events are received than there are slots available, organizers of side events may be invited to organize joint events.

Registration of organizers and participants

All organizers of online side events must be duly registered for the 2021 online segment of the meetings of the conferences of the Parties. Depending on their status, they can register in one of the following categories: Party representatives,  or  observers (Non-Party States, UN bodies, other observer bodies and agencies, e.g. intergovernmental organizations, regional centres, non-governmental organizations).

Participation in the online side events is open to all interested Parties and observers to the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm conventions.

Participants are informed that the side events will be recorded. Subject to consultation between the organisers and the Secretariat and taking into account UN rules and regulations as well as the BRS guidelines, the recordings may be made available on the BRS conventions website following the side event. 


For any questions related to the online side-events, please kindly contact Mr. Rohan Unny-Law (