Side Events

Monday 4 May

13:15 - 14:45Side Event: How science, technology and innovation can tackle drivers of chemicals and waste. Focus: Lifecycle of plastic as a driver of POPs pollution

Organized by GEF

Documents and Presentations

UNEPHow science, technology and innovation can tackle drivers of chemicals and wasteDownload How science, technology and innovation can tackle drivers of chemicals and waste in MS-Word format

13:15 - 14:45Side Event: Towards the elimination of PCB

Organized by UNEP Chemicals

Documents and Presentations

UNEP, MAP, GEF, MED PartnershipEnvironmentally Sound Management of equipment, stocks and wastes containing or contaminated by PCBs in national electricity companies of Mediterranean countriesDownload Environmentally Sound Management of equipment, stocks and wastes containing or contaminated by PCBs in national electricity companies of Mediterranean countries in PDF format
UNEPTowards the Elimination of PCBDownload Towards the Elimination of PCB in MS-Word formatDownload Towards the Elimination of PCB in PDF format

Tuesday 5 May

13:15 - 14:45Side Event: Linkages between human rights and hazardous substances and wastes

Organized by BRS Secretariat, UNEP ROE, Special Rapporteur

Documents and Presentations

UNEP, Human RightsLinkages between human rights and hazardous substancesDownload Linkages between human rights and hazardous substances in MS-Word format

13:15 - 14:45Side Event: The links: Persistent Organic Pollutants and Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals

Organized by UNEP Chemicals, WHO and BRS

Documents and Presentations

UNEPPersistent Organic Pollutants and Endocrine Disrupting ChemicalsDownload Persistent Organic Pollutants and Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals in MS-Word format
KEMICosts related to human health and endocrine disrupting chemicalsDownload Costs related to human health and endocrine disrupting chemicals in PowerPoint format
UNEP, WHOState of the Science of Endocrine Disrupting ChemicalsDownload State of the Science of Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals in PowerPoint format

18:15 - 19:45Side Event: Stimulating industry and private sector engagement in POPs management

Organized by UNIDO

Documents and Presentations

UNIDOStimulating industry and private sector engagement in POPs ManagementDownload Stimulating industry and private sector engagement in POPs Management in PDF format

18:15 - 19:45Side Event: Developing alternatives to DDT

Organized by UNEP Chemicals

Documents and Presentations

UNEPDeveloping Alternatives to DDTDownload Developing Alternatives to DDT in MS-Word format
UNEPGlobal Alliance for Alternatives to DDT – Progress ReportDownload Global Alliance for Alternatives to DDT – Progress Report in PDF format
UNEPDDT programmeDownload DDT programme in PDF format
VCWGPerspectives from Crop Life International Vector Control TeamDownload Perspectives from Crop Life International Vector Control Team in PDF format
UNEPRoad Map for the Development of Alternatives to DDTDownload Road Map for the Development of Alternatives to DDT in PDF format
World Health OrganizationPolicy updates on Malaria Vector controlDownload Policy updates on Malaria Vector control in PDF format
India Situation analysis on production, use and impact of DDT - IndiaDownload  Situation analysis on production, use and impact of DDT - India in PDF format

18:15 - 19:45Side Event: Movie "E-waste Tragedy"

Organized by Basel Action Network

Wednesday 6 May

13:15 - 13:45Side Event: Global Monitoring Plan of POPs – Updates for new and initial POPs

Organized by UNEP Chemicals, RECETOX

Documents and Presentations

UNEPGlobal Monitoring Plan of Persistent Organic Pollutants- Updates for new and initial POPsDownload Global Monitoring Plan of Persistent Organic Pollutants- Updates for new and initial POPs in MS-Word format
UNEPCapacity building and quality control on POPs analysis under the GMPDownload Capacity building and quality control on POPs analysis under the GMP in PDF format
BRSMonitoring human exposure to pops: the unep/who human milk surveyDownload Monitoring human exposure to pops: the unep/who human milk survey in PDF format
RECETOXUpdates on the GMP Data WarehouseDownload Updates on the GMP Data Warehouse in PDF format
WHOHuman health implications of measurable dioxins and dioxin-like compounds in human milkDeptDownload Human health implications of measurable dioxins and dioxin-like compounds in human milkDept in PDF format

13:15 - 13:45Side Event: Waste and Synergies between BC and SC: Understanding the Links and Implication

Organized by IPEN

Documents and Presentations

IPENRecycling & Reuse of POPs Waste, E-waste DumpingDownload Recycling & Reuse of POPs Waste, E-waste Dumping in PDF format
IPEN & PICDefining POPsDownload Defining POPs in PDF format
IPENProblem of waste incineration residues - Geneva 2015Download Problem of waste incineration residues - Geneva 2015 in PDF format
ARNIKA & IPENToxic Toy or Toxic Waste: Old POPS in New Products - Summary for Decision-MakersDownload Toxic Toy or Toxic Waste: Old POPS in New Products - Summary for Decision-Makers in PowerPoint format

18:15 - 19:45Side Event: Automotive industry and the Basel Convention guidelines – global implications on circular economy

Organized by APRA (Automotive Parts Remanufacturers Association) and CLEPA (European Association of Automotive Industry)

Documents and Presentations

CLEPA, APRA EuropeAutomotive industry and the Basel Convention guidelines - global implications on circular economyDownload Automotive industry and the Basel Convention guidelines - global implications on circular economy in PDF format
CLEPA, APRA Europe CLEPA (European Association of Automotive Industry)Automotive industry and the Basel Convention guidelines – global implications on circular economyDownload Automotive industry and the Basel Convention guidelines – global implications on circular economy in PDF format
CLEPA, APRA, FIRMThe benefits of The benefits of RemanufacturingDownload The benefits of The benefits of Remanufacturing in PDF format
APRARemanufacturing in the context of today’s focus on cycle economy and urban miningDownload Remanufacturing in the context of today’s focus on cycle economy and urban mining in PDF format

18:15 - 19:45Side Event: Highly Hazardous Pesticides in the SAICM context: Developing a proposal for future action

Organized by FAO, SAICM Secretariat, WHO and UNEP

Documents and Presentations

FAO, UNEP, SENAVE,Ministry for Coordination of Environmental Affairs, MozambiqueHighly Hazardous Pesticides in the SAICM context: Developing a proposal for future actionDownload Highly Hazardous Pesticides in the SAICM context: Developing a proposal for future action in MS-Word format
FAO, UNEP, SAICM, WHOHHPs under SAICM – What next?Download HHPs under SAICM – What next? in PowerPoint format
FAO - Francesca Mancini, Harold van der Valk, Khalid Cassam and Mark DavisReducing Risks of Highly Hazardous Pesticides(HHPs)in MozambiqueDownload Reducing Risks of Highly Hazardous Pesticides(HHPs)in Mozambique in PowerPoint format
FAO, UNEP, SENAVE,Ministry for Coordination of Environmental Affairs, MozambiqueRisk reduction of highly hazardous pesticides in ParaguayDownload Risk reduction of highly hazardous pesticides in Paraguay in PowerPoint format

Thursday 7 May

13:15 - 14:45Side Event: Opening of the Science Fair

Organized by Scientific Support Branch - BRS Secretariat

Documents and Presentations

BRSScience Fair programDownload Science Fair program in PDF format

13:15 - 14:45Side Event: Regional Chemicals Management and Metal Recycling

Organized by BCRC-China and UNEP Chemicals

Documents and Presentations

BCRC China/SCRCAPRegional Chemicals Management and Metal RecyclingDownload Regional Chemicals Management and Metal Recycling in PDF format
BCRC China/SCRCAPProgramme on Establishing Public-Private Partnership for Metal Recycling in Asia and the Pacific RegionDownload Programme on Establishing Public-Private Partnership for Metal Recycling in Asia and the Pacific Region in PDF format
BCRC ChinaMain Work Plan and Outcome of BCRC China Main Work Plan and Outcome of BCRC ChinaDownload Main Work Plan and Outcome of BCRC China Main Work Plan and Outcome of BCRC China in PDF format
UNEP/DTIEUNEP/DTIE: Chemicals Management and Resource EfficiencyDownload UNEP/DTIE: Chemicals Management and Resource Efficiency in PDF format

13:15 - 14:45Side Event: Science Fair Booth Events

Organized by BRS Secretariat

18:15 - 19:45Side Event: Facilitating information exchange and collaboration between MEAs?: Where do we stand and where do we want to go?

Organized by UNEP

Documents and Presentations

UNEPFacilitating information and knowledge exchange and collaboration between MEAsDownload Facilitating information and knowledge exchange and collaboration between MEAs in MS-Word format
DELC“InforMEA - Facilitating information exchange and collaboration between MEAs" - Elizabeth Mrema, Director, Environmental Law and Conventions/Governance - Opening StatementDownload “InforMEA - Facilitating information exchange and collaboration between MEAs" - Elizabeth Mrema, Director, Environmental Law and Conventions/Governance - Opening Statement in MS-Word format
CITESBullet Points for Secretary General of Cites, Mr. John E. Scanlon Meetings of the conferences of the parties to the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm conventionsDownload Bullet Points for Secretary General of Cites, Mr. John E. Scanlon Meetings of the conferences of the parties to the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm conventions in MS-Word format
BRS“Facilitating Information Exchange and collaboration between MEAs” Opening Statement by Dr. Rolph Payet, Executive Secretary of the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions.Download “Facilitating Information Exchange and collaboration between MEAs” Opening Statement by Dr. Rolph Payet, Executive Secretary of the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions. in MS-Word format
UNEPInforMEA - The United Nations Information Portal on MEAsDownload InforMEA - The United Nations Information Portal on MEAs in PowerPoint format
INFORMEAInforMEA - The United Nations Information Portal on MEAsDownload InforMEA - The United Nations Information Portal on MEAs in PowerPoint format

18:15 - 19:45Side Event: Science Fair Booth Events

Organized by BRS Secretariat

18:15 - 19:45Side Event: Sharing the experience and lesson learnt of Stockholm Convention from Vietnam

Organized by Vietnam

Documents and Presentations

VietnamSharing Experience of Stockholm Convention on POPs from VietnamDownload Sharing Experience of Stockholm Convention on POPs from Vietnam in MS-Word format

Friday 8 May

13:15 - 14:45Side Event: A Song for You: Combating POPs - China’s Action Towards a POPs-free Future

Organized by China

Documents and Presentations

Ministry of Environmental Protection (MEP) of the People’s Republic of ChinaA Song for You: Combating POPsDownload A Song for You: Combating POPs in MS-Word format

18:15 - 19:45Side Event: Addressing Hazardous Substance within the Life-Cycle of Electrical and Electronic Products - Efforts till date and E- Waste management in developing and transition countries

Organized by UNEP and UNIDO

Documents and Presentations

UNEP, UNIDOAddressing Hazardous Substances within the Life cycle or Electrical and Electronic Products (HSLEEP) - Efforts till date, and Electronic-Waste management in developing and transition economy countriesDownload Addressing Hazardous Substances within the Life cycle or Electrical and Electronic Products (HSLEEP) - Efforts till date, and Electronic-Waste management in developing and transition economy countries in MS-Word format

19:15 - 20:45Side Event: Roadmap toward effective implementation of the Bamako Convention

Organized by UNEP DELC

Documents and Presentations

UNEPRoadmap toward the effective implementation of the Bamako ConventionDownload Roadmap toward the effective implementation of the Bamako Convention in MS-Word format

19:15 - 20:00Side Event: Science Fair Booth Events

Science supporting decision making on chemicals and waste management on Fair podium

Planetary boundary in the "Accessing science booth"

Demonstration of the GMP data warehouse in the "POPs monitoring booth"

Modelling of POPs transport and fate within the EMEP region in the "POPs monitoring booth"

WHO recommended classification of pesticides and criteria for highly hazardous pesticides in the "POPs monitoring booth"

Dialogue on sustainability practices accross organizations in the "Empowering public booth"

Presentations of activities by the Regional Centres in the "Safer tomorrow booth"

Premiere screening of video : "How science supports decision making on chemicals and wastes" in the exhibition area

interactive QA sessions with members of the subsidiary bodies of the BRS Conventions starts at 19:15 in the exhibition area

Saturday 9 May

13:15 - 14:45Side Event: Countering Illegal Trade of Waste of Electrical and Electronic Equipment

Organized by INTERPOL

Documents and Presentations


13:15 - 14:45Side Event: Science Fair Booth Events

Mainstreaming education in chemicals: the experience from the Republic of Burundi in the "Accessing science booth" with Jerome Karimumuryango

Demonstration of the GMP data warehouse in the "POPs monitoring booth" with Katarina Sebkova, (RECETOX)

Monitoring of water-born industrial and hazardous discharges under the SDGs in the "POPs monitoring booth" with Graham Alabaster (UN Habitat)

IOMC-Toolbox linking science to policies, legislation and practice,  in the "Industrial chemicals booth" with IOMC representatives

Preliminary assessment of efforts made towards PCBs elimination,  in the "Industrial chemicals booth" with UNEP DTIE Chemicals Branch

Raising awareness to water quality - a series of laboratory experiments on water quality, in the "Empowering public booth" with Chimiscope (University of Geneva)

Growing coffee without endosulfan, in the "Pesticide booth" with Stephanie Williamson (PAN-UK)

Polyeco's Contemporary Art Initiative, in the "Waste booth"

Presentations of activities by the Regional Centres in the "Safer tomorrow booth"

13:15 - 14:45Side Event: Science Fair Side Event: Mainstreaming of science in the sound management of chemicals and wastes

Organized by Jacqueline McGlade, Rolph Payet, Estefania Moreira, Magdalena Frydrych, Jinhui Li, Oladele Osibanjo

Documents and Presentations

BRSMainstreaming of science in the sound management of chemicals and wastesDownload Mainstreaming of science in the sound management of chemicals and wastes in MS-Word format
Ms. Estefania MoreiraThe role of subsidiary bodies under the BRS Conventions in mainstreaming science for the sound management of chemicals and wastes: the example under the Stockholm ConventionDownload The role of subsidiary bodies under the BRS Conventions in mainstreaming science for the sound management of chemicals and wastes: the example under the Stockholm Convention in PDF format
Ms. Magdalena FrydrychBenefits and lessons learnt in mainstreaming of science in the sound management of chemicals and wastes - The example under the Chemical Review Committee of the Rotterdam ConventionDownload Benefits and lessons learnt in mainstreaming of science in the sound management of chemicals and wastes - The example under the Chemical Review Committee of the Rotterdam Convention in PDF format
Mr. Jinhui LiThe role of regional centres in mainstreaming of science in the implementation of the Basel,Rotterdam and Stockholm ConventionsDownload The role of regional centres in mainstreaming of science in the implementation of the Basel,Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions in PDF format
Mr. Oladele OsibanjoChallenges of Integrating Science in Decision Making on Chemicals and Wastes at the National LevelDownload Challenges of Integrating Science in Decision Making on Chemicals and Wastes at the National Level in PDF format

18:15 - 19:45Side Event: Closure of the Science Fair

Closing ceremony

Cocktails and film screening

Monday 11 May

13:15 - 14:45Side Event: Combating illegal traffic under the Basel Convention: The work of ENFORCE

Organized by members of ENFORCE

Documents and Presentations

ENFORCEENFORCE: Sharing experiences on preventing and combating illegal traffic of hazardous wastesDownload ENFORCE: Sharing experiences on preventing and combating illegal traffic of hazardous wastes in MS-Word format

13:15 - 14:45Side Event: PACE outcomes and outlook

Organized by Switzerland and BCCCNigeria

Documents and Presentations

PACEPartnership for Action on Computing Equipment (PACE), Side Event during the COP12 MeetingDownload Partnership for Action on Computing Equipment (PACE), Side Event during the COP12 Meeting in PDF format
BCRC ChinaBasel Convention Regional Centre for Asia and the Pacific (BCRC China) and Its Regional DeliveryDownload Basel Convention Regional Centre for Asia and the Pacific (BCRC China) and Its Regional Delivery in PDF format
FOENPACE LegacyDownload PACE Legacy in PDF format

18:15 - 19:45Side Event: 1st Global E-waste Monitor and the Specific Situation in the Latin American region

Organized by UNU and ITU

Documents and Presentations

UNU & ITU1st Global E-waste Monitor and the Specific Situation in the Latin American regionDownload 1st Global E-waste Monitor and the Specific Situation in the Latin American region in PDF format

18:15 - 19:45Side Event: Ratification and Early Implementation of the Minamata Convention and the Basel Convention Ban Amendment: Opportunities for efficient and effective actions

Organized by UNITAR, BRS, Minamata Convention Interim Secretariat

Documents and Presentations

UNITAR, BRS, Minamata Convention Interim SecretariatProgrammeDownload Programme in PDF format

Tuesday 12 May

13:15 - 14:45Side Event: A Rapid Response Assessment. Waste Crime - Waste Risks: Gaps in meeting the global waste challenge

Organized by GRID-Arendal and UNEP DELC

Documents and Presentations

Nancy Isarin, AmbienduraWaste Crime - It’s all about the money money moneyDownload Waste Crime - It’s all about the money money money in PDF format
NG Norsk GjenvinningWaste crime – waste risksDownload Waste crime – waste risks in PDF format

13:15 - 14:45Side Event: Paraquat: New insights on risks and alternatives

Organized by Berne Declaration, Pesticide Action Network and International Union of Food (IUF)

18:15 - 19:45Side Event: UNECE tools and good practices for preventing industrial accidents, especially those with transboundary consequences

Organized by Slovenia, UNECE, Secretariat to the UNECE Convention on the Transboundary Effects of Industrial Accidents

Documents and Presentations

UNECEUNECE tools and good practices for preventing industrial accidents and their transboundary consequencesDownload UNECE tools and good practices for preventing industrial accidents and their transboundary consequences in PDF format

18:15 - 19:45Side Event: Bringing synergies to the regions for ESM of wastes and chemicals

Organized by BCRC-Central America and Mexico

Documents and Presentations

UNEPBringing synergies to the regions for ESM of wastes & chemicalsDownload Bringing synergies to the regions for ESM of wastes & chemicals in MS-Word format

18:30 - 20:00Side Event: Launching event: Gender Heroes

Organized by BRS Secretariat

Documents and Presentations

UNEP, FAOA collection of stories featuring gender perspectives on the management of hazardous chemicals and wastesDownload A collection of stories featuring gender perspectives on the management of hazardous chemicals and wastes in MS-Word format

Wednesday 13 May

13:15 - 14:45Side Event: Asbestos – who pays the cost? Testimonies and dialogue

Organized by Rotterdam Convention Alliance and Women in Europe for a Common Future

Documents and Presentations

ROCA & WECFChrysotile Asbestos – Who pays the Bill?Download Chrysotile Asbestos – Who pays the Bill? in PDF format
IECD & RTCCDVietnam CSOS & MOH struggling for asbestos ban 2020Download Vietnam CSOS & MOH struggling for asbestos ban 2020 in PowerPoint format
BANKO & A-BAN & Seoul National UniversityDangerous Trades - Case reports of International transfers of Asbestos Industry in Asia and health concernsDownload Dangerous Trades - Case reports of International transfers of Asbestos Industry in Asia and health concerns in PowerPoint format
Asian Ban Asbestos NetworkGrassroots Asbestos Campaign in AsiaDownload Grassroots Asbestos Campaign in Asia in PowerPoint format

13:15 - 14:45Side Event: Considering socio-economic impacts of chemicals and waste management; protecting vulnerable groups from hazardous pesticides and waste

Organized by ILO, FAO , SAICM Secretariat, BRS Secretariat

Documents and Presentations

UNEPConsidering socio-economic impacts of chemicals management: protecting vulnerable groups from hazardous pesticidesDownload Considering socio-economic impacts of chemicals management: protecting vulnerable groups from hazardous pesticides in PDF format
FAOHazardous child labour: FAO’s contribution to protecting children from pesticide exposureDownload Hazardous child labour: FAO’s contribution to protecting children from pesticide exposure in PDF format
FAO & ILOProtect children from pesticides - Visual Facilitator’s GuideDownload Protect children from pesticides - Visual Facilitator’s Guide in PDF format
FAO & ILOProtegeons nos enfants des pesticides - Guide visuel d’animationDownload Protegeons nos enfants des pesticides - Guide visuel d’animation in PDF format

18:15 - 19:45Side Event: Labour Unions and Chrysotile: International experience

Organized by International Alliance of Trade Union Organizations "Chrysotile"

Documents and Presentations

Unions & Chrysotile InternationalThe program of the side-event “Labour Unions and Chrysotile: International experience May 13, 2015”.Download The program of the side-event “Labour Unions and Chrysotile: International experience May 13, 2015”. in MS-Word format

18:15 - 19:45Side Event: Movie “E-waste Tragedy”

Basel Action Network

Thursday 14 May

13:15 - 14:45Side Event: IOMC Toolbox: Resources from international organizations to assist countries with the sound management of chemicals - Linking science to policies, legislation, and practice

Organized by IOMC

Documents and Presentations

IOMCIOMC Toolbox: Resources from international organizations to assist countries with the sound management of chemicals – Linking science to policies, legislation, and practiceDownload IOMC Toolbox: Resources from international organizations to assist countries with the sound management of chemicals – Linking science to policies, legislation, and practice in PDF format

18:15 - 19:45Side Event: Building partnerships with universities for online education

Organized by BRS Secretariat

Documents and Presentations

Climate KIC & REDYBuilding Partnerships with Universities for Online EducationDownload Building Partnerships with Universities for Online Education in PDF format

18:15 - 19:45Side Event: Chemical Leasing - Sustainable Chemical's Service Solutions

Organized by UNIDO

Documents and Presentations

UNIDOChemical Leasing – Sustainable Chemicals’ Service SolutionsDownload Chemical Leasing – Sustainable Chemicals’ Service Solutions in PDF format
UNIDOChemical Leasing – Sustainable Chemicals’ Service SolutionsDownload Chemical Leasing – Sustainable Chemicals’ Service Solutions in MS-Word format

Side event contact person

Ms. Nalini Basavaraj
Secretariat of the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions
United Nations Environment Programme
11-13, Chemin des Anémones,
CH-1219 Geneva, Switzerland
Tel: +41 (0) 22 917 8383
Fax: +41 (0) 22 917 8098